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Additional Info

  • Category Child Obs Template
  • Css Class child_obs
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-observation-story
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/1034-observation-story-samples?download=4587:observation-story-sample
  • Last Updated On Thursday, 17 March 2022
  • Version 1.1.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC, OOSH
  • Framework EYLF, MTOP, QKLG
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf, word

Pre-writing skills are the techniques that will make a child ready for writing. It is just like you have to walk first before you run likewise pre-writing skills will help children develop fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination which will strengthen the hand muscles. The following article provides information on Pre-Writing Skills Activities, Benefits Of Pre-Writing Skills and more. 

Children can collect flowers and leaves to pound to make colourful prints.

Leo the lion is the king of the jungle and his jaws are big and wide.
Leo the lion when he roars it 's a warning that you'd better run away and hide.

So run, run as fast as you can, 'cos Leo is the leader of his clan.
He wears a proud mane of hair, look into his eyes if you dare!

Terrence the tiger proudly prowls through the jungle with his mighty powerful paws.
Terrence the tiger when he pounces, it's a warning that you 'd better run away and hide.

So run, run as fast as you can, 'cos Terrence always has a clever plan.
He wears a majestic set of stripes, look into his eyes if you dare.
So run, run as fast as you can!

Hints and Tips:

  • Use actions for each verse
  • Use puppets and felt boards for toddlers

Roar! Leo the Lion and Terrance the Tiger, Christmas Songs and Carols - Love to Sing, 18 April 2017

The Peppa Pig Posters show images of characters from the Peppa Pig show. These can be used in a variety of different ways, including as playdough mats, as a display within the learning environment, as part of an experience and more.

The “Preschool Room” is final step for you, as a childcare professional, to prepare your group of children and their families for school and making the transition process from a childcare setting to the school setting an easier one.

Additional Info

  • Category Forms and Checklists
  • Css Class forms_and_checklists
  • Download Link /eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-educator-tidbits
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/978-educator-tidbits-samples?download=4142:educator-tidbits-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 13 February 2022
  • Version 1.1.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC, OOSH
  • Framework General
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf, word

Children can develop their fine motor skills, explore colour micing and experiment with new media.

Little Mouse Colour House Posters enable children to learn and identify colours through this simple group game. Educators hide the mouse behind one of the houses and choose a child to sing the rhyme before they pick a coloured house to see if the mouse is hiding behind it. It's an easy game to play with toddlers as well. 

Progressive mealtimes are giving an opportunity for children to choose when they want to eat within a certain timeframe instead of eating at a set time. The following article provides information on the Benefits of Progressive Mealtimes, Drawbacks, Strategies and Ideas On Implementing Progressive Mealtimes and more. 

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