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In the Greater Sydney region, masks should now be worn by Early Childhood Education and Care staff. This includes indoor and outdoor environments.

From Monday 19 July services in Local Government Areas (LGAs) subject to stay-at-home orders can waive gap fees for parents on days they choose to keep their children at home.

Children begin to learn that music and movement communicate messages and represents actions. Music naturally delights and moves most children. Throughout the early childhood years, children are learning to do new things with their body and music and movement encourages children to explore what they are able to do.

Early Days, developed by Autism Queensland, is a series of FREE workshops and webinars on young children (0-6 years) who are on the autism spectrum.

This free webinar " Fostering Ethics and Confidentiality" by EPEC Education, explores practical strategies for developing and maintaining work role boundaries in the disability setting.

Brisbane City Council is offering a free professional development course for Educators throughout Australia to support their knowledge, skills and resources on sustainable waste practises in a day-to-day centre or service operations.

Small children don't seem to be as severely affected by COVID-19. They also don't appear to contribute significantly to disease spread. Transmission of COVID-19 has mainly been from adult to adult.

The e-safety Early Years Program has been designed to support and improve online safety for children.

In order to ensure effective contact tracing of any COVID - 19 cases, early childhood services are required to use the Victorian Government’s Service Victoria QR Codes for electronic record keeping.

It's cold and flu season, which means snotty noses and dealing with constant running noses, getting sneezed on and at times you may notice the changes of nasal mucus colour and texture.

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