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Alice The Camel

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Alice The Camel Vladimir Zuñiga

Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.

Now Alice is a horse.

Alternative Lyrics:

  • Instead of So go Alice go change to So Ride Alice Ride
  • At the end of each verse sing Boom Boom Boom
  • Substitute Alice for Sally

Hints and Tips:

  • This classic children's song works well to reinforce counting.
  • Actions -  When in a group, everyone should get in as close to a circle as possible and put their arms over the shoulders of the people next to them. While the saying of each number of humps everyone bends at the knees. During the lines "Boom, Boom, Boom," everyone bangs hips against each other. Or to do individually, show five fingers when you sing "5 humps," then four, three, etc. Sway your hips from side to side on the "boom, boom, boom."
Created On January 8, 2015 Last modified on Tuesday, January 20, 2015
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