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Find The Word

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Find The Word Randon Pederson

Increase a child's concentration and thinking skills by finding words within a word. 

Materials Needed:

  • Pencil and paper for each child playing the game.

What to do:

  • Find a long word and give all players a pencil & paper.
  • The players must try to make as many words as possible from the letters in the long word.
  • The player who makes the most words is the winner.
  • Rules: All words must contact at least 3 letters – A letter may only be used more than once in a word if it is contained in the main word more than once – It’s a good idea to set a time limit (10 minutes).

Example: So, from the word CATASTROPHE you could make words such as, TASTE, TROT, STAR, STRAP, TASTER, TOAST, PEST, HAT and lots more!

Hints and Tips:

  • To make it easier, set a no. of words that the child has to find in the long word. For example, in the word HIPPOPOTAMUS, the child has to find 6 words.
  • To make it more challenging, the beginning letter of the word cannot be repeated more than once.
  • If playing with a large group of children, split into two teams. Give each team the same long word. Both teams have to find the most amount of words to win.

Additional Info

  • Appropriate Age: 8 year+
  • Number of Children: Individual (1), Couple (2), Few (3), Small Group (4), Large Group (5 or more)
  • Developmental Milestones:

    - Able to spell four to five letter words.
    - Memorizes and gathers information.
    - Interacts effectively with others.
    - Communicates thoughts and ideas.
    - Concentrates for a period of time.
    - Recognizes letters of the alphabet.
    - Sounds out letters while reading.
    - Begins to read common words.
    - Participates in group experiences.

  • Play Based Learning: Exploratory Play
  • Interest Areas: Library Area
  • Games Categories: Cognitive Development, Learning Games, Quiet Games
  • EYLF Outcomes: Learning Outcome 4, Learning Outcome 5
  • Sub Outcomes:

    LO4 - Children Are Confident And Involved Learners

    4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving inquiry experimentation hypothesising researching and investigating

    4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another

    LO5 - Children Are Effective Communicators

    5.2 Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts

Created On January 1, 2015 Last modified on Friday, February 6, 2015
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