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Conflicts are a common part of relationships and can happen within the workplace. Each and every person has their own thoughts, ideas and perspectives and you can’t expect people to agree with each other all the time.  Knowing how to handle a conflict in a positive way provides an opportunity to strengthen your relationships in the workplace.  

As an Educator in Australia, your pay rate falls under the Children’s Services Award 2010. This award states the minimum amount that an employer can pay you based on your qualification and your position while working in an early learning centre. This article will provide you with information on minimum wages, details of classification structure higher duties and allowances. The minimum wage table has been updated to reflect the 3.75% increase that is now in effect from 01 July 2024. 

This article was inspired by someone that I knew that was unfairly dismissed. I thought it would be a good idea to share amongst other educators in the childcare sector, how to take action, the processed involved, dismissal during probation and what to expect. All things that are mentioned were correct at the time it occurred, so I suggest to just take this as a guideline only and not a how to step by step document.

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