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Potential Updates To The Approved Learning Frameworks Piloted

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Potential Updates To The Approved Learning Frameworks Piloted

From January to March 2022, potential updates to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) and My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP) were piloted in 16 early childhood education and care services across Australia.  

The six-week pilot involved the consortium gathering weekly feedback from all 16 pilot sites, in particular on the clarity, useability and efficacy of the potential updates.

The pilot sites covered a broad range of early childhood education and care services, including outside school hours care settings across all states and territories. Services in urban, regional, and remote areas took part in the pilot, with the inclusion of services in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and services that work with children with additional needs.

Led by a partnership between Macquarie University, the Queensland University of Technology and Edith Cowan University was engaged by ACECQA, on behalf of all governments, to deliver the 2021 National Quality Framework (NQF) Approved Learning Frameworks (ALFs) Update project.  

A Literature Review and Discussion Paper developed in Stages 1 and 2, and stakeholder feedback highlighted the strengths of the current ALFs. They also identified 20 potential areas for an update in the ALFs, including strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives throughout the frameworks with the vision, principles, practices and outcomes; and the addition of a new sustainability principle.

Findings and feedback from the pilot will inform recommendations for consideration by Education Ministers. It is expected this will occur in the second half of 2022. Advice about the commencement of any changes to the ALFs will be provided in advance, to allow adequate lead time to support successful implementation.  

Last modified on Sunday, May 8, 2022
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