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New Display In FDC Residence and Venue Requirements

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New Display In FDC Residence and Venue Requirements

As of 01 July 2023, approved providers must ensure that certain information is visible at each FDC residence or venue in a place that is accessible to families.

Information to be displayed includes: 

  • a diagram (for example a floor plan) showing the areas of the FDC residence or approved venue indicating the areas of the residence or venue suitable for the provision of education and care to children. The diagram should include the existence of any water hazards, water features or swimming pools at or near the residence or venue. 
  • the service’s rating certificate must be always displayed at each FDC residence or venue used to provide education and care to children as part of a family day care service.  
  • The display of the prescribed information stated in regulation *173A (*from 1 October 2023) should be clearly visible from the main entrance at each FDC residence or venue. For example, near the children’s sign-in records, next to the front door or near the place where children’s belongings are stored.  

As stated in the National Regulations:

173A Prescribed information to be displayed—family day care service

(1) For the purposes of section 172(2) of the Law, the following information is prescribed in respect of the matters in paragraphs (a) to (e) of that section—
(a) in relation to the provider approval—
(i) the name of the approved provider; and
(ii) the provider approval number; and
(iii) any conditions on the provider approval;
(b) in relation to the service approval—
(i) the name of the family day care service; and
(ii) the service approval number; and
(iii) any conditions on the service approval;
(c) the name of each nominated supervisor;
(d) in relation to the rating of the service—
(i) the current rating levels for each quality area stated in the National Quality Standard; and
(ii) the overall rating of the service;
(e) in relation to any service waivers or temporary waivers held by the service, the details of the waivers including—
(i) the regulations that have been waived; and
(ii) the duration of the waiver; and
(iii) whether the waiver is a service waiver or a temporary waiver.

(2) For the purposes of section 172(2)(f) of the Law, the following matters and information are prescribed—
(a) the hours and days of operation of each office of a family day care service;
(b) the name and telephone number of the person at the family day care service to whom complaints may be addressed;
(c) the name of the educational leader at the service;
(d) the contact details of the Regulatory Authority.

(3) The prescribed information referred to in subregulations (1) and (2) must be positioned so that it is clearly visible to anyone from the main entrance to—
(a) each office of the family day care service; and
(b) each family day care residence of the service; and
(c) each approved family day care venue of the service.

(4) In addition to the matters and information set out in subregulation (2), the following matters and information are prescribed in relation to each family day care residence and each approved family day care venue of a family day care service—

(a) the hours and days of operation of the family day care residence or family day care venue;
(b) in relation to a family day care residence, a diagram of the area or areas within the residence that are assessed, as part of an assessment conducted in accordance with regulation 116, to be suitable for education and care provided to children;
(c) in relation to an approved family day care venue, a diagram of the venue;
(d) if applicable—
(i) a notice stating that a child who has been diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis—
(A) is enrolled at the family day care residence or family day care venue; and
(B) attends the family day care residence or family day care venue; and
(ii) a notice stating that there has been an occurrence of an infectious disease at the family day care residence or family day care venue.

(5) The prescribed information referred to in sub regulation (4) must be positioned so that it is clearly visible to anyone from the main entrance to the family day care residence or approved family day care venue to which the information relates.

As an FDC educator, you should consider the best location at your residence or approved venue that will allow the prescribed information including the diagram and your NQS rating certificate to be visible from the main entrance. 

Legislative Requirements For FDC Educators From 2023. ACECQA


Last modified on Monday, December 18, 2023
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