Question about casual jobs

Questions on working as a casual. Such as job responsibilities, what to do, finding casual work etc.
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Question about casual jobs

Post by Gersus » Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:01 pm

Hi everyone,

I graduated last year from my graduate diploma on Early childhood but I have yet to work in a centre (I got a job in another field after graduation so I took it). Now, I am looking to start working as an Early Childhood Teacher and hope to start around early September. I have seen many are being poorly treated when working full time/part time so I thought it would be better to start working as a casual. My questions are the followings:

-When working for an agency, do casual employees are guaranteed a minimum amount of hours per week? Like 20 hours? If not, do casuals still get many working hours or are there weeks when they do not work/are not given hours?
-If I start working with agencies, do I have to only work for them or am I allow to seek part time employment on a centre by myself?
-Would there be a problem if I approach any centres/agencies now but tell them I would like to start around September? Or should I look in a couple of weeks?
-Are casual employees allow to set up learning experiences and be part of the planning process/curriculum development? I remember at my previous centre that casuals did not have any planning time nor did they have to set up any learning experiences.
-Last one for anyone working as a casual teacher, did you enjoy working as one? Is it worth it or would you recommend full time/part time?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, any comment is appreciated! Thanks!

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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by AMH » Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:32 am

I think a few of your questions, you'd be better asking the agencies themselves as different agencies might have different answers. But regarding learning experiences; I think it'll all come down to your room leader and team. Being a casual through an agency might mean you're at a different centre every day and possible working in a number of different rooms depending on the centres needs. Since you likely won't be contributing towards their documentation (although you might if you're at the same centre/same room often enough), you won't get any non-contact time. But as a previous room leader, I personally would welcome any input about activities and it might be a great opportunity for you to show some initiative in setting up activities etc. But I definitely think it'll come down to the room leader and whether they're happy for you to do that.

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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by Lorina » Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:49 pm

-When working for an agency, do casual employees are guaranteed a minimum amount of hours per week? Like 20 hours? If not, do casuals still get many working hours or are there weeks when they do not work/are not given hours?

No as a casual you are not guaranteed any set hours per week. When registering with an agency you select the areas you can work and then when those centres in those areas need casuals you will be called upon. If you are able to drive then there will be more work opportunity however, there may be days/weeks where you may not receive any work. That's the disadvantage of being casual.
-If I start working with agencies, do I have to only work for them or am I allow to seek part-time employment on a centre by myself?

It depends on the agency, some only allow you to work for them, however, if you keep it on the hush you can find employment for yourself as well.
Are casual employees allow to set up learning experiences and be part of the planning process/curriculum development? I remember at my previous centre that casuals did not have any planning time nor did they have to set up any learning experiences.

It depends on the individual centre. Typically no... as a casual you are there only to "supervise" and engage with children in activities and clean. As a casual you are in and out of different centres and there to fill in, unless you are requested by a specific centre (which can happen as well) you will not be part of the planning process etc).
Last one for anyone working as a casual teacher, did you enjoy working as one? Is it worth it or would you recommend full time/part-time?

Working as a casual enables you to travel to different centres, see different centres, interact with different children and learn how different types of educators work within the environment. It's interesting how each centre may be so different from one another and you do learn a lot and can take away many different tips and strategies that you see while working. The only issue is that if you want to get involved in planning etc. that you don't have the opportunity since you're only a casual and also the hours are unstable - however pay is quite good and you work the hours you want. So, it depends on each individual preference.

Hope this helps answer your questions!


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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by Sandy2 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:27 pm

hi lorina,

please help with some of the scenario question. This is my first interview for casual job

1. What would you do if children were fighting and got physical?
2. How does the day of an infant in your classroom differ from the day of a toddler in your classroom?
3. How would you discipline a child?
4. What steps would you take if you noticed a child was distressed in your room?

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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by Lorina » Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:06 pm

Sandy2 wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:27 pm
hi lorina,

please help with some of the scenario question. This is my first interview for casual job

1. What would you do if children were fighting and got physical?
2. How does the day of an infant in your classroom differ from the day of a toddler in your classroom?
3. How would you discipline a child?
4. What steps would you take if you noticed a child was distressed in your room?

What would you do? What would you say?

Let me know and I'll help you further...


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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by Gersus » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:00 pm

Lorina wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:49 pm
-When working for an agency, do casual employees are guaranteed a minimum amount of hours per week? Like 20 hours? If not, do casuals still get many working hours or are there weeks when they do not work/are not given hours?

No as a casual you are not guaranteed any set hours per week. When registering with an agency you select the areas you can work and then when those centres in those areas need casuals you will be called upon. If you are able to drive then there will be more work opportunity however, there may be days/weeks where you may not receive any work. That's the disadvantage of being casual.
-If I start working with agencies, do I have to only work for them or am I allow to seek part-time employment on a centre by myself?

It depends on the agency, some only allow you to work for them, however, if you keep it on the hush you can find employment for yourself as well.
Are casual employees allow to set up learning experiences and be part of the planning process/curriculum development? I remember at my previous centre that casuals did not have any planning time nor did they have to set up any learning experiences.

It depends on the individual centre. Typically no... as a casual you are there only to "supervise" and engage with children in activities and clean. As a casual you are in and out of different centres and there to fill in, unless you are requested by a specific centre (which can happen as well) you will not be part of the planning process etc).
Last one for anyone working as a casual teacher, did you enjoy working as one? Is it worth it or would you recommend full time/part-time?

Working as a casual enables you to travel to different centres, see different centres, interact with different children and learn how different types of educators work within the environment. It's interesting how each centre may be so different from one another and you do learn a lot and can take away many different tips and strategies that you see while working. The only issue is that if you want to get involved in planning etc. that you don't have the opportunity since you're only a casual and also the hours are unstable - however pay is quite good and you work the hours you want. So, it depends on each individual preference.

Hope this helps answer your questions!


Thanks Lorina! I does help! I guess I'll have to try my luck. I just hope I am able to find a good centre since the experiences some of my friends had is not reallt reassuring haha.

One more question though. Would there be a problem if only add my experience when I was on placement? I do not have experience in ECT beyond that and my other work experience is completely unrelated (I am working in finance at the moment and before I was on a restaurant), so I do not know if they will look down upon me if I add that experience.

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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 29, 2019 2:51 pm

I would definitely add your experience during your work experience. Add what you did, the tasks you did and the responsibilities you took on. Anything related to children/Childcare should be added...


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Re: Question about casual jobs

Post by DamienHarris » Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:27 pm

Thank you for your opinion. I had a similar question.

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