Describe in the below:
a)The relationship between the relevant learning framework and the Education and Care Services National Regulation
( This is my teacher comment on my answer : When answering your question just make sure you list the legal requirements of the regulations and how that links to the National Quality Standards and the EYLF outcomes.)
my answer is
The legal requirements of the regulations 74 Documenting of child assessments or evaluations for delivery of educational program and does link to the National Quality Standards for Quality Area 1: Educational program and practice and The educational program should contribute to the following outcomes:
•children have a strong sense of identity.
•children are connected with and contribute to their world.
•children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
•children are confident and involved learners.
•children are effective communicators
b)Review your response with your workplace supervisor, documenting your discussion and include any important comments they wish to add.
my answer is After discussion with WP leader, in every 3 months, educators make assessments about each child’s knowledge, skills and dispositions by created a folio, such as a folios can take different forms, including display folders, loose-leaf folders and digital records (story park) for each child to record their learning journey, to discuss with families and colleagues. The educators will used information about validate what children know and can do, look for and see children’s learning in new ways, build learning bridges from what children know and can do to new learning, determine the level of individual support required to progress children’s learning, engage families and other educators in conversations about children’s learning.
The end of year, the educators will give children of their folios. They should be able to access them if they want and be given chances to suggest what to include. Families should also be encouraged to take folios home to read and to contribute comments and ideas add.
Understand and apply approved learning frameworks
Re: Understand and apply approved learning frameworks
Yes, you're on the right track!
It also mentions the following in the Regulations:
Division 5 Declared approved learning frameworks
254 Declared approved learning frameworks
(1) For the purpose of section 323 of the Law, the following, as in force on the scheme commencement day, are declared approved learning frameworks—
(a) Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, produced by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations of the Commonwealth for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009;
(b) My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia produced by the Commonwealth Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments, 2011.
It also mentions the following in the Regulations:
Division 5 Declared approved learning frameworks
254 Declared approved learning frameworks
(1) For the purpose of section 323 of the Law, the following, as in force on the scheme commencement day, are declared approved learning frameworks—
(a) Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, produced by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations of the Commonwealth for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009;
(b) My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia produced by the Commonwealth Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments, 2011.

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Re: Understand and apply approved learning frameworks
Thank you so much.
Re: Understand and apply approved learning frameworks
You're welcome!

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How often do you document and reflect
So just wanting to see how everyone programs and documents at their centres
Currently we do a daily reflection, a weekly critical reflection and a termly evaluation. Inbetween this we do our modifications that go on the wall, we currently are being asked to do termly learning stories for all children and sending photos daily of all children in the room aswell as doing a learning journal for all children which includes artwork documentation and special events. I’ve been asked to take on the educational leadership position and I would love to hear what others do as this seems like alot of work .
I’ve heard some other centres doing daily and weekly reflections and only have focus children each day that they will do photo obs and send rather then learning stories and this being a monthly thing.
Any insight would be helpful as staff are drained and overloaded and taking on this role I would love to help lighten the load of work but keeping in line with the requirements that needed .
So just wanting to see how everyone programs and documents at their centres
Currently we do a daily reflection, a weekly critical reflection and a termly evaluation. Inbetween this we do our modifications that go on the wall, we currently are being asked to do termly learning stories for all children and sending photos daily of all children in the room aswell as doing a learning journal for all children which includes artwork documentation and special events. I’ve been asked to take on the educational leadership position and I would love to hear what others do as this seems like alot of work .
I’ve heard some other centres doing daily and weekly reflections and only have focus children each day that they will do photo obs and send rather then learning stories and this being a monthly thing.
Any insight would be helpful as staff are drained and overloaded and taking on this role I would love to help lighten the load of work but keeping in line with the requirements that needed .
Re: Understand and apply approved learning frameworks
Sometimes it feels it would be easier if the EYLF just tells us exactly what documentation to do but it's up for interpretation based on the individual and the centre. Honestly, no one has the "right" answer as long as you're meeting the requirments in QA1 - then you're doing well!
In regards to learning stories, I have heard that some services make this a monthly occurance for each child. In my opion, it doesn't need to be! It can be used as part of an observation but no where in the QA1 does it state that "learning stories" are a madatory monthly document that needs to be completed.
For example:
In January for the children, for observations you do a photo observation, then in February you do a learning story, then in March you do an anecdotal record, then in April you go back to photo observation, May another learning story etc. the cycle continues. So basically, you're using a learning story as a method of observation. This saves you time in having to make sure that they need to be completed monthly since you are using them in the planning cycle anyway. I hope this makes sense.
A daily reflection/daily journal is necessary because you need to use this information to plan for children's learning - however there are ways to document it. For example - for preschoolers in the afternoon after snack time you can have group time with the children and ask them how the day went. What they enjoyed doing, what they didn't like to do, what they feel like doing etc. You can add this information into a floor book for example, along with a few photos and include children's inout as well as the points Educator's noticed - then extend from there. It doesn't have to be an Educator doing a 1 page write up on how the day went. There are lots of ideas, that's just one I use to do with my group of older kids - you just need to find something that's efficient and doesn't take Educator's long to complete.
In regards to weekly reflection, I think this is necessary for Educators to take a step back and reflect on what has been working, what hasn't, what needs to be changed or implemented. Doinng this weekly I think is more beneficial because Educators will remember what happened throughout the week, rather than monthly where things may be forgotten. Once again, this doesn't need to be a whole write up, you can use a checklist with some easy questions that can be answered efficiently.
As for Learning Journals, yes these can be time consuming, but make it a simple process. Have an a4 plastic sleeve folder for each child or even an a4 art book . Add monthly title pages then in between add art work/events pages. You can even add a note to each one explaining what the child drew. For older children, they can choose what goes in their folder. This can be a simple process. Art books are easier since you just have to glue the art work and you can even write onto the pae as well. Children can also paint/draw directly into their art book too.
Hopfully I have given you an idea in what you could do!
This lists all the documentation that may be required: ... ity-area-1
We also have a ton of documentation available. You can get ideas from here as well:
Let me know if you have any further questions!
Sometimes it feels it would be easier if the EYLF just tells us exactly what documentation to do but it's up for interpretation based on the individual and the centre. Honestly, no one has the "right" answer as long as you're meeting the requirments in QA1 - then you're doing well!

In regards to learning stories, I have heard that some services make this a monthly occurance for each child. In my opion, it doesn't need to be! It can be used as part of an observation but no where in the QA1 does it state that "learning stories" are a madatory monthly document that needs to be completed.
For example:
In January for the children, for observations you do a photo observation, then in February you do a learning story, then in March you do an anecdotal record, then in April you go back to photo observation, May another learning story etc. the cycle continues. So basically, you're using a learning story as a method of observation. This saves you time in having to make sure that they need to be completed monthly since you are using them in the planning cycle anyway. I hope this makes sense.
A daily reflection/daily journal is necessary because you need to use this information to plan for children's learning - however there are ways to document it. For example - for preschoolers in the afternoon after snack time you can have group time with the children and ask them how the day went. What they enjoyed doing, what they didn't like to do, what they feel like doing etc. You can add this information into a floor book for example, along with a few photos and include children's inout as well as the points Educator's noticed - then extend from there. It doesn't have to be an Educator doing a 1 page write up on how the day went. There are lots of ideas, that's just one I use to do with my group of older kids - you just need to find something that's efficient and doesn't take Educator's long to complete.
In regards to weekly reflection, I think this is necessary for Educators to take a step back and reflect on what has been working, what hasn't, what needs to be changed or implemented. Doinng this weekly I think is more beneficial because Educators will remember what happened throughout the week, rather than monthly where things may be forgotten. Once again, this doesn't need to be a whole write up, you can use a checklist with some easy questions that can be answered efficiently.
As for Learning Journals, yes these can be time consuming, but make it a simple process. Have an a4 plastic sleeve folder for each child or even an a4 art book . Add monthly title pages then in between add art work/events pages. You can even add a note to each one explaining what the child drew. For older children, they can choose what goes in their folder. This can be a simple process. Art books are easier since you just have to glue the art work and you can even write onto the pae as well. Children can also paint/draw directly into their art book too.
Hopfully I have given you an idea in what you could do!
This lists all the documentation that may be required: ... ity-area-1
We also have a ton of documentation available. You can get ideas from here as well:
Let me know if you have any further questions!

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Critical reflecting
Hi, I’m wanting to review the way we critically reflect.
At the moment we jot down dot points and discussions and areas of improvement as we go . We then reflect on our program and the notes we have written for the month
Through my research it seems that covers reflecting but not critically reflecting.
Should It be choosing on main topic for the month and focusing on ways to improve, doing training and researching theorist to help with the topic? And ways to embed it into practice
Also am new to the term summarise assesments any templates or insight into this would be great!
At the moment we jot down dot points and discussions and areas of improvement as we go . We then reflect on our program and the notes we have written for the month
Through my research it seems that covers reflecting but not critically reflecting.
Should It be choosing on main topic for the month and focusing on ways to improve, doing training and researching theorist to help with the topic? And ways to embed it into practice
Also am new to the term summarise assesments any templates or insight into this would be great!