Depending on how I'm feeling energy wise, I'll look into doing the diploma. Well I hope I'll be able to it would have to be via online 'cause I've got 3 kids (4 if you include the MR lol) but yeah this is my 4th baby

. I only ever find time to do my assessments after midnight when my little family are all fast asleep, could you imagine how things will be once I've had baby LOL.
I like the idea of working casually very much, anything that will help me gain more experience and that will lead to a career educating children sounds great to me! Thank you for the idea
I don't know what I'm having and intend on waiting 'til birth since this will be our last baby. LOL@boy bits I have no idea how they're able to determine those things, I thought I was looking at a foot when the ultra scan specialists told me it was boy bits. Ultra sounds puzzle me LOL. I'm due for a scan soon but I'm determined to keep the sex a surprise!
Are you planning on having any more?