Pregnant & Placement

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Pregnant & Placement

Post by LBuRNa293 » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:12 am

I'm currently 5months pregnant and at the stage of searching for a centre to do my work experience. I was wondering if anyone has been in this situation?
I would've waited until I had baby to do this course but after a life threatening surgery at 14weeks pregnant I just didn't feel the need to sit around and let life pass me by so I decided to enroll for cert.3. So now I'm in a hurry to beat the clock and get my work placement underway but was just wondering if anyone has been as silly as me to be in this situation and successfully found placement or should I just call it quits now? :(

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Re: Pregnant & Placement

Post by Lorina » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:44 am

Congratulations on your pregnancy. :thumbup: I just had my first (baby girl) just over a month ago. I stopped working in Childcare before I had my little one and I'm so glad that I did. I also had some pregnancy complications and if I was working at that time I wouldn't have been able to cope.

Yes, starting your cert 3 now is probably a good idea because when your little one comes along it's going to be hard to manage for the first couple of months. So, get as much done now as possible! If I were you I would probably do your work placement asap. There is no problem doing it while pregnant and you would rather do it now before the tiredness kicks in the further along you are during your pregnancy.

The only health factors that you may need to consider while do your work placement is any illnesses that the children may have while in care that could effect you and your baby. The only one you really need to be concerned about is the chicken pox which is probably the most common. However, you can discuss this with the director at the centre.

You are definitely not silly because you want to get this done! It's actually very commendable! Go ahead! :D

Let me know how it goes,


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Re: Pregnant & Placement

Post by LBuRNa293 » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:29 pm

Thank you :) Congrats to you too on your first bub!! :D

I'm still waiting for my police check to be processed but cannot wait to get out there and check out day cares and introduce myself. Thank you so much for your reply, I don't feel like such a dunce right now! :)

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Re: Pregnant & Placement

Post by Lorina » Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:45 am

No reason to feel like a dunce! :giggle:

Since you are completing your certificate 3, will you go on to complete your diploma as well? If you want to work to gain experience you can go through an agency and work as a casual (after the baby arrives). It's a good opportunity to see different centres and you get hands on experience. Working casual also pays you much more and it's up to you when you want to work... Just an idea I'm throwing out there...

Is this your first bub? Do you know what you're having?

Mine was a surprise.. I thought I was having a boy actually because when I went through the scans and I thought I saw boy bits. How wrong I was... When the doctors announced "it's a girl" it was a great big surprise! A very good surprise! :lol:


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Re: Pregnant & Placement

Post by LBuRNa293 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:48 am

Depending on how I'm feeling energy wise, I'll look into doing the diploma. Well I hope I'll be able to it would have to be via online 'cause I've got 3 kids (4 if you include the MR lol) but yeah this is my 4th baby :). I only ever find time to do my assessments after midnight when my little family are all fast asleep, could you imagine how things will be once I've had baby LOL.
I like the idea of working casually very much, anything that will help me gain more experience and that will lead to a career educating children sounds great to me! Thank you for the idea :)
I don't know what I'm having and intend on waiting 'til birth since this will be our last baby. LOL@boy bits I have no idea how they're able to determine those things, I thought I was looking at a foot when the ultra scan specialists told me it was boy bits. Ultra sounds puzzle me LOL. I'm due for a scan soon but I'm determined to keep the sex a surprise!
Are you planning on having any more? :)

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Re: Pregnant & Placement

Post by Lorina » Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:04 pm

Whoa, 4 kids, you must be very busy... How you are going to find time to complete your cert 3? When do you sleep? :giggle:

I'm lucky my little one already sleeps through the night.. well at least 4 - 5 hrs after her last feed at night time. So I'm able to get some sleep then. However there are the occasional nights when she is up for most of the night or wanting an extra feed etc. So during that time I only get a couple of hours sleep but now I'm use to it.

Yeah working casually is a good option, especially because the pay is more and you get to decide when you are available to work. Also if you build a good rapport with a centre they will request you if needed and sometimes you can eventually get a job at the same centre where you have been a casual.

Oh I had 4d ultrasounds done during my 5 month and 8 month scan. They are incredible! The images are so clear and you can see everything!

Yes, I am planning to have another. Maybe after a year? Would love a little boy to join our clan! :lol:

Do you already have boys and girls?


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