How does a Work Placement works?

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How does a Work Placement works?

Post by clarissa » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:39 pm


Would be glad if someone could share on the work placement procedure.

I am currently undertaking Certificate III In Children's Services through online study. And this course requires me to work for 100 hours in a child care provider. May I know who make this arrangement? If I were to arrange on my own, how do I quote to the provider? Do I write in a resume as if like looking for a job and tell them actually I just need to work for 100 hours? I guess not many would want to hire a person who is going to work for only a short term.

How does 100 hours spread to the numbers of days? Eg. If I work 38 hours p/w, so approximately 2.5 weeks, right? Lastly, do I get paid while undertaking the work placement? If yes, what is the range of pay would be reasonable p/hr for an unqualified worker?

Glad if someone here can give me some knowledge. Thanks in advance ;)

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Re: How does a Work Placement works?

Post by Lorina » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:36 pm

Hi Clarissa,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network :D !

Well when it comes to work placement while doing a certificate 3 course in children services, it is a lot less formal when compared to going for a job interview. What I'm trying to say is that, at this stage, you don't have to worry about resume...

You won't be paid for this because it is part of your training. So since you are not getting paid, a lot of employers will be happy to have you at the centre!

Regarding finding a centre for work placement, from what I know at the end of each of your modules you should have received a practical component to it. That is basically what you will be assessed on when doing work placement. In some institutes I think you will have to arrange work placement yourself and contact the institute with the details of the centre where you will be doing your work placement. However, through Tafe a teacher secures you a placement and organizes it for you. Check out this link from tafe, this will probably give you an idea: ... 18206.html


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