Differences In Placement Hours Based On RTO's

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Differences In Placement Hours Based On RTO's

Post by RosiP » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:19 am

Does anyone know why placement hours differ so much between RTO's?
I am struggling to attend mine, we are rural and it's not easy to get to a child care centre. I have a child, studying externally and working and have to attend placement once a week for 40 weeks. I have been looking around and asking friends and have found that most are approx 100hours compared to my 300hours.
Once enrolled with an RTO as a skills for all student is it possible to change providers?
Also having trouble with getting study books sent through and have had no feed back on work for 3 months, I really wanted to get finished by end of year but it is becoming impossible
I am getting to the point where I am ready to chuck it in, so frustrated

Thanks in advance
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Re: placement hours

Post by Lorina » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:04 pm

Hi Ros,

Interesting... I was under the assumption that all work placement hours are the same everywhere! Are you working in a childcare setting? If so, are you able to complete your work placement there itself, which may be an easier option... If you're not working in a childcare setting, instead of attending work placement once a week, would you be able to accumulate it so you can complete the hours in one go. For example: for 2 weeks working 8 hours a day etc. If you are wanting to change providers I don't see why not, especially if they aren't supporting you. When changing providers, the new RTO will probably ask for a transcript which will provide details of the modules you have completed... I suggest you ring your RTO and discuss your issues with them and tell them that you want to change...

Let me know how it goes,


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Re: Differences In Placement Hours Based On RTO's

Post by RosiP » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:48 pm

I'm not working in childcare only my placement hours, I have asked about doing blocks but apparently not possible. I am so sick of the RTO asked for my new book (they only post on Thursdays) by the time I got it the following Tuesday I had lost a week of study and they sent a book I had already done, I've only done 2 units :(

since posting my original message I have found a couple of RTO's that accommodate country students and external learning, with a lot less placement hours. Just need to find a new placement center and hope that the original RTO actually get to mark my work in the next few weeks. I have spoken with Skills for all and they are ok with the change.
I will probably have to start from the beginning again as none of my work has been graded and I have had no contact with a trainer I doubt if any of my work would have passed on first try, never mind actually getting a statement of attainment.
At least I feel there is a way for me to continue my study now :)

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Re: Differences In Placement Hours Based On RTO's

Post by Lorina » Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:38 pm

It really is disappointing to hear that they have been giving you the run around... You'd think they would be a bit more professional in their approach! Oh well... At least you were able to find another RTO which will accommodate and support you hopefully till the end so you can get your qualification...

With your books I wonder if you are able to ask for a few units/modules at a time so you don't have to wait for just one a week. When I was studying externally they were able to send 3 modules at a time as I was flying through them... Then that way you don't have to constantly keep waiting each week for a new module.

If you sent your assignments through then they have to mark them even if they take forever to get back to you... What a waste of your time if they don't. Gosh, the RTO you're currently with aren't very organized!

Hopefully all goes well now,

Good Luck,


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Re: Differences In Placement Hours Based On RTO's

Post by RosiP » Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:50 pm

Thanks yep new RTO is happy to do 2 books at a time so I can not lose weeks waiting, feel I'm moving in the right direction. Thanks, love this forum, even reading other posts helps :)

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