Changing Work Placement

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Changing Work Placement

Post by law92 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:47 am

So currently I'm studying my diploma, and doing my vocational placement at a school kindy. It's great the kids are good to work with. I do prefer, however, to work in a centre. This kindy was not my first choice, but a lot of the centres were already booked up with vocational placement students so they didn't have room to take me on this year. I have to do another 120 hours of placement next year. I'm just wondering, should I try and get my placement at a centre next year, or just continue with the kindy? I'm really torn in half about this and not sure what to do. When I finish my diploma, I want to work at a centre as a group leader. Working in this kindy now feels too much like being an assistant, which I hate. The teachers really dictate to you what they want done, which is fine for a placement, but I wouldn't want to work there. Also, if I did do my placement at a centre next year, I would think I would have more of a chance of being offered paid work by that centre, which is what I really want.

I don't currently have any work references to get a job, so I really need to either continue on at the kindy in the hope that they give me a reference at the end of it then look for jobs next year, or go on a placement at a centre next year then hopefully get offered a job at the end of it. Which would be a better way to go? Help please!
Last edited by Lorina on Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Work placement diploma advice

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:31 am

If you really have your heart set on working in a centre then you should do your practical placement at one, just so you get some experience and get a feeling of what its going to be like... I don't think you would be able to get a reference from practical placement and besides if it's not for you could you really spend 3 more weeks there. Start looking at centres now itself for practical placement, for next year so you don't miss out. Are you able to do some casual work in the mean time or do you study full time? Even if you have a couple of weeks off you can do some casual work at a centre so you can gain some experience until you finish off your diploma.

Yes, you're right, if you happen to find a good centre to do your work placement at, if they like you they will offer you a job either casual, part time or permanent depending on what they have available....

Hope this helps you make your choice,


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