Managing Challenging Behavior & Children with Additional Needs

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Managing Challenging Behavior & Children with Additional Needs

Post by Sariah_W » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:58 pm

Hi...I am just wondering if there is a limit to how many special needs children you can have in one center? I work in a small center (29 children a day) and throughout the week we have 7 special needs children (most mix up so we have at least 3 of them on any given day) and it is becoming quite stressful for me (and I'm sure the other staff as well) and I think for all children involved. We recently got an extra staff member for help on the 'worst' day (the mix of special needs- violent child) which has helped a little. But I just wanted to know if there is a limit to how many a small center can except. Now I know that it may sound horrible (and I don't mean it too) but I am just curious. On top of all our special needs children there are several this year with difficult behavior issues (and one or two of these could possibly have a special need too, but they are little and new and have no 'diagnosis').

I honestly dread going to work these days. I feel as though all I do is run aground crazy trying to prevent one thing after another. One of the special needs children is violent and we have her several days a week. She is the most difficult. The others for the most part I can handle. The other children are getting hurt (constantly) it's just so hard. I don't know what to do.

I actually want to quit. a center allowed to ask a violent child to leave?

The other special needs children are difficult...but they don't cause harm to anyone else. But this one child, it's awful she needs constant one on one to stop her from hurting the other children or terrorizing them. A group environment isn't meant for one on one attention. The extra staff member is a help but it is still difficult with this child.

I don't think my director would ask them to leave...even if they could. The other staff just keep pushing though like it's ok to be like this...but I really don't think it should. I don't want o be this unhappy and stressed out. And I don't want the other children in danger.

We have actually had children pulled out of the center because of it.
Last edited by Lorina on Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Special Needs Children

Post by Lorina » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:46 pm

I completely understand where you are coming from. It is difficult to support so many children with additional needs at any one given time. Especially when they are challenging. It can be very disruptive to all the children and staff but we need to keep in mind that it's not the children's fault....

I really suggest that you get some additional help from an Inclusion Support Agency. They will assess the children with additional needs in your care and if necessary provide you with resources and specialty equipment to support the centre. They can also plan and help your centre to apply for government funding which will enable your centre to employ more staff on specific days. I'll add the link below: ... ncies.html

You really can't do this alone.. all staff and children will need extra support on these days. Talk to you director and get them to contact an Inclusion Support Agency to see what they can offer your centre in terms of services and management of children with additional needs.

Let me know how it goes,


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