Taking 3year old overseas on my own, input on entertainment would be great :)

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Taking 3year old overseas on my own, input on entertainment would be great :)

Post by Steffelz » Sun May 20, 2012 8:44 pm

Hey everyone.
Im going to Scotland in October with my 3 year old son for 4weeks.
I am aware that deciding to travel alone with such a highly energetic little monster does take a fair amount of insanity, it wasn't planned this way, its just something that has to happen.
I need to start thinking of things to entertain him on the flights (some of which are 12 hours straight), and on some of the long waits at the airports.
I was thinking about maybe a leap pad or something like that as well as some books, and some of his cars and trains.
Does anyone have any experience with the leap pads etc? or anything else to recommend?
Thanks guys
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Re: Taking 3year old overseas on my own, input on entertainment would be great :)

Post by Lorina » Tue May 22, 2012 7:47 pm

Wow...Scotland! How exciting!!

I think this is a great opportunity for you to get your son excited about this holiday you're planning. The more informed your son is about what is going to happen I think will make it a lot easier for the both of you... Talk to him about where you're going, show him pictures of places you are going to see, get him to pack his suitcase and also a special bag which he can take on the plane with him. With regards to the entertainment, here are some items you should pack:

Colouring book and colouring pencils
Drawing pad
Magnetic play set
Sticker book
Story books
Sketch a pad
Favorite cuddly (small toy)
Mp3 player with your sons favorite songs
Small blanket

Typically on the flight they will have some child friendly movies and you could even ask for a kids pack which usually contains a special coloring book etc. It's probably best to check if they have one available before telling your son just in case they don't.  Also the airports you go to should have playgrounds available for your son to play in. I don't think cars and trains is a very good idea because they would most likely make the most noise and you know how some passengers get about noisy kids! Oh I just thought of another thing, popping ears. You might want to also check with your doctor before you leave about how to deal with this for your son. 

Leap pads are good because they can keep your child entertained and they are educational. Depends if you want to buy one...

Don't worry I'm sure the flight will be fine! 

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Taking 3year old overseas on my own, input on entertainment would be great :)

Post by Steffelz » Tue May 22, 2012 9:56 pm

Well, he's surgically attached to his little matchbox Lightning queen and his thomas, so I think there might be more noise if they don't join us lol.
His Birthday is in July, so Im getting him "Scotland Stuff" and killing 2 birds with one stone...kinda.
He's just had grommets in so Im guessing that would help with the popping?
Ive also seen special ear plugs that help with ear popping. The problem will be getting him to sleep, but Ill get that sorted with the GP.
Thanks heaps for your advice! Im starting to get excited now! (Its technically not a holiday, someone very close to us passed away unexpectedly in Jan, but I couldn't get there then so Im going to be with her family for her birthday)
(Another thing I just thought Id mention incase other people are taking kids overseas is that I got a book on travelling overseas with babies, toddlers and children up to either 12 or 14. I got it when I took my son overseas when he was a baby, it really helped. But Im a bit of a nerd for planning)
Thanks again

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Re: Taking 3year old overseas on my own, input on entertainment would be great :)

Post by Lorina » Sat May 26, 2012 11:19 am

You can never be a nerd when planning... I think it's great to be prepared more than anything!

Sorry to hear about your loss, it's great that you are willing to travel just to be with family.. I think that's very important!

I'm sure your son is going to love all the Scotland stuff you're going to get for him and it's going to be a big adventure for him... Hey I just thought ask the hostess if you and your son can visit the cockpit... Your son will love it!

Have you been to Scotland before?

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