Staff:Child Ratios For Excursions In WA

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Staff:Child Ratios For Excursions In WA

Post by mallissa » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:40 pm

if you have 10 children aged 5 how many staff would be required for an excursion.
i know for a child care centre it is one staff per 10 children aged 5 but is the ratio different for an excursion because of the dangers? I cant find this information anywhere. P.S i am in western Australia

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Re: excursion staff ratios.

Post by Lorina » Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:34 pm

Hi Mallissa,

Took me ages to find but I found the following information related to excursion in the "Child Care Services (Child Care) Regulations 2006" for WA.

unless the children are travelling in a C class motor vehicle as referred to in regulation 89(2), the children are accompanied by enough contact staff members or volunteers to ensure that there is at least one staff member or volunteer for each multiple of 4 children and for any remainder of fewer than 4

For Water Excursions the information is as follows -

A licensee must ensure that enrolled children taken on an excursion for a water activity are supervised by one contact staff member or volunteer for each enrolled child who is under 3 years of age and one contact staff member or volunteer for each multiple of 2 enrolled children who have reached 3 years of age and for any remainder.

Cheers :geek:,

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