helping educators in Family Day Care

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helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by niaz » Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:38 pm

I am wondering who look after educators?? if an employee has a problem with employer he/she can complain to fair trading.
educators in Family Day Care setting are self employed, who look after them if they have problem with the scheme they are working with??
it is a hassle for the educators to change the scheme in terms of forms and paying for police check go to the doctor to get approved for working.....

I think there should be an association helping the educators with their problems. don't you think???

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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by flossybeth5 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:35 pm

Our scheme has a grievance procedure to follow - taking it up the line managers until you reach a satisfactory conclusion.

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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by melrose123 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:15 pm

There is no help for educators two years ago I went through the schemes documented process of grievances and it went no where. The only option is to leave the scheme. All the schemes are the same. We don't need schemes only a government body DoE . The schemes are charging us to much in levy thus increase in fee for parents.

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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:22 pm

It must be difficult for educators working in FDC because basically, you don't have a Director to support and assist you. Yes, schemes are available and from what I have read there seem to be problems with them as well. Instead of contacting Fair Trading to deal with issues with grievances, maybe you can contact your Regulatory Authority instead through ACECQA.


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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by niaz » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:38 pm

thank you everyone who replied
melrose123 i think you are right because my friend tried everything she went no were, she complained to centerlink who paid the money to the service, fair traiding, ombudsman, Regulatory Authority they all claimed that they don't deal with the issue as the educator of family day care is self-employed. They said that she can only claim it through private solicitor which costs about $900 and they don't recommended as it is costing more than the amount owed.
I am concerned now, what if same thing happens to me or to any other educator?? this is not fair. it is ridiculous.

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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by melrose123 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:30 pm

ACECQA support the schemes all been tried. Even the Educator rep from FDC that was to be supporting the educators same thing supports the scheme

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Re: helping educators in Family Day Care

Post by niaz » Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:19 pm

Yes dear i realised that. the thing is educator at fdc considered as self employed and they have solve their problem through the court only. Now at Australia FDC there is new thing that you include in your insurance at extra cost, they will be able to take educators problem through court the educator needs to pay only for court hiring room which $200. unfortunately my friend gave up and changed the service. the end of the day the service took $800 from my friend who could not do anything about and that is what worry me. they can get away with such practices. not fair at all and very upsetting.

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