Q1-think of opportunities within a daily routine when you can have a one to one conversation with a child?
1-in morning while receiving child
2- pack up time
3- during rest time
4- during meal time
5- during play time
6-during toilet training
Describe how you imagine a long day care service in the heart of Parramatta might be different and similar to a long day care centre in a small country town in central NSW
in your analysis explore the differences and similarities between
1-the families that might use the service
I will Ensure that my centre will be well equipped to handle applications from families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and designing orientation programs designed to help these children ease into their new care arrangement will help me build a strong relationship with the children and their families.
2-the skills and interests of the children
It's important to consider children's interests and try to include these in the experiences you organize for them. The more you can provide experiences that interest them, the more likely they are to want to join in and the more they will enjoy the activity, the interests of a child will determine which experiences they would prefer to participate in. Some children have many interests and are willing to try new things, while other children like to stick to a small range of interests they know and feel comfortable with. for the emotional security of the child, offer familiar experiences first and then slowly introduce the unfamiliar to promote feelings of success, offer simple experiences the child is able to succeed with and then offer more complex experiences to challenge them.
3-the physical environment
The education and care service will ensure the environment is safe, clean and well maintained. Children’s awareness of the environment and sustainable practice will be supported through daily practices, resources and interactions. The physical environment, both in and outdoors will support children’s learning, safety, levels of engagement and access to positive experiences and inclusive relationships.
4-the cultural, religious and language backgrounds
(Help please)
5-the menu of meals and snacks
I will Consult parents about their child's food habits and food culture. Parents could be asked to bring food from home or you could try to incorporate some of their food preferences into the menu.
6-the skills and experiences of the educators
Teachers will need a variety of skills to become proficient in their careers. They will be needing excellent communication skills so they can explain the material in a variety of ways to kids who have diverse learning styles. They also need superior interpersonal skills, such as patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Collaborative skills will enable them to work productively with their colleagues. Creativity and presentation skills are important when planning lessons to motivate students and hold their interest.
(please help about experiences of the educators)
7-the program and routines
I will Encourage staff to spend as much time as possible talking with children rather than to them. Consider times such as meals, nappy changing and bed making as opportunities to involve children and extend their language skills. I will Find out from parents what the child's routine is at home and try to incorporate this into the centre's routine. This may mean offering flexible sleep and rest times or providing alternative experiences for children who do not usually have a sleep.
8-the policies and procedures of the service
policies and procedures of the service will consist of family rights and responsibilities, code of conduct, water safety, sun safety and heat stress, family complaints, excursions, medical conditions, confidentiality and food and nutrition
Q22 Think of 20 responses we might make within the setting of our service and routines to acknowledge children's positive behaviors?
1- ‘You worked hard
2- very good
3- excellent
6-that's really nice
7-well done
8-keep it up
10-very nice
11- I am proud of you
12- you did really well
13-that's remarkable
14- you’ve done your best’
15-I t’s great how you used words to ask for that toy’
16- You’re a good boy’
17-you worked really hard
18-I am impressed
20- hats off to your work
Q-think of some differing requests families may have of educators who care for their child?
Please help for this
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Re: Analysis
seep wrote:QR_BBPOST Describe how you imagine a long day care service in the heart of Parramatta might be different and similar to a long day care centre in a small country town in central NSW
In Parramatta there is a large multicultural community as well as Aboriginal Community so the children in an LDC may be from diverse backgrounds. Where as a small country town in central NSW will probably have less children from a multicultural background however still have children from the Indigenous Community. Your responses need to reflect the comparisons from a Parramatta LDC and a rural LDC:
Non English Speaking - Parramatta
Q-think of some differing requests families may have of educators who care for their child?
- special/religious food requirements
- child to sleep with their comforter
- giving a warm cup of milk to child before sleeping
- allowing the child to only sleep for an hour
- to have shoes on in the afternoon ready for pickup
- changing the child into spare clothes for messy play etc.
The rest of your responses are good!

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