Walking to school alone.

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Scottish Joan
Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:19 pm

Walking to school alone.

Post by Scottish Joan » Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:04 pm

My 7yr old girl Rhona wants to walk to school with a group of friends, all of whom are 7yrs old also so I have said to her "you will have to wait a couple of years for that darling".

The reason that I don't want her walking with a group of 7yr old friends is, I don't think their ready, I am feared that they might run across a busy road without looking out for cars and tbh, I don't think they are ready to walk to School on a very busy/rough route.

When I am walking her from and to school, I end up having to take the friends hand whilst crossing busy roads because she is liable to run across the road without looking out for cars.

So, my question is, what is a suitable age for children walking to school alone, am I being harsh on Rhona and her friends by making them wait until they are 10/11yrs old?

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Re: Walking to school alone.

Post by Lorina » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:52 am

No, I think you're right. If they are still running across the road or don't know how to cross a busy road then it's way too early for them to be walking to school alone. However, you do have another option... Why don't you let them walk upfront and you can tailgate them from behind. That way it seems like they are walking to school by themselves and you can still keep an eye on them as well...


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