CHCECE007 - Help A Child Make A Decision

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CHCECE007 - Help A Child Make A Decision

Post by lellymon » Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:32 pm

Hi can some one please help and let me know if im on the right track and what i have put is correct

7. Give an example of how you might help a child make a decision.

Letting children make choices and experiencing the natural consequences of their actions is an important part of helping children learn their limitations.
Allowing children to make choices helps promote a sense of independence and agency that leads to children developing confidence and knowledgeable self-identity, giving a child a choice between two acceptable options makes them feel powerful and part of the decision making process.
We need to make sure that we take into account the child’s stage/age as this will impact their decision making skills, it important that we carefully consider the materials and resources that are provided in a program when choosing resources it helpful for us to consider the following
-are the resources provided for a child open ended, with the potential to be used a number of ways opposed to having one use or function as this will allow the children to make a decision on what they do with it.
-can children access and use it for themselves without help
-can it be used by one child or by a group
So we need to be able to be there when needed to help and guide the children with what they decide to do and making sure we can let them learn from their decisions and consequences without posing any physical or emotional harm.
Last edited by Lorina on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CHCECE007 - Help A Child make A Decision

Post by Lorina » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:52 am

You've provided a really detailed response on the benefits of a child making a choice, however you haven't provided an example of how you would help a child to make a choice. For example:

- wanting to play in the sandpit or ride on the bike
- playing with the puzzle or with the blocks

How would you help a child to decide?


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