CHCECEO17 - Scenario: Kali - Sense Of Self & Psychosocial Development

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CHCECEO17 - Scenario: Kali - Sense Of Self & Psychosocial Development

Post by WarblerOn » Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:23 am

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCECEO17 Foster Holistic Development
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
Kali (3 years) is in the sandpit rubbing her toes into the wet sand. She is holding a small scoop in one hand and begins to dig a hole. She pours the sand from the scoop onto her other hand. She repeats this action several times. Kali then notices she has a lot of sand on her lap. She begins to brush it away with large arm movements. The sand scatters in all directions. Nia (15months) is sitting nearby and the sand flicks into her eyes. She begins to cry. Kali stops and looks at Nia. She stands up and goes to Nia, taking her hand she says “She’s crying.” She looks around for an adult.

i. Identify the behaviors that indicate Kali’s growing sense of self.
ii. What stage of psychosocial development does Kali demonstrate?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
i. Identify the behaviors that indicate Kali’s growing sense of self.

Kali is discovering what she can do and is exploring her environment. She responds to her growing self-image empathising with other children when they are upset (reading facial expressions), becoming a communicator by talking about Nia's emotions, facing the challenge of other peers struggles in dealing with ther emotion and defining herself withing the group. She develops a sense of self as she is able to see aspects of who she is as a person as a leader and contributor to the group, and is able to respect those in her environment.

This shows Kali has a positive sense of self as her self esteem levels tell her she's capable of taking care of herself and others and is able to take on challenges.

ii. What stage of psychosocial development does Kali demonstrate?

Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt (not sure)

I think it's okay I would just like a thumbs up if it is okay. Is it okay?

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Re: CHCECEO17 - Scenario: Kali - Sense Of Self & Psychosocial Development

Post by Lorina » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:32 am

Instead Of Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt I'd probably go for:
Initiative vs. Guilt - Is It Okay For Me To Do, Move and Act? Examples: Exploring, Using Tools or Making Art

Ref:'s_ ... evelopment

Hope this helps,


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