Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

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Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

Post by lilygrace » Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:21 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Assessment Task 003: Injuries
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
A student, who felt she was well prepared for a finger-painting activity planned for the next day, realised that she had not given enough thought to the activity when her supervisor posed the following questions:
i. What do you need to consider when planning where to set up the finger painting?
ii. How will children wash and dry their hands without dripping paint and water on the floor?
iii. How will you supervise the finger painting as well as other activities?
iv. How will you ensure that paint does not drip and cause the floor to become slippery?
v. How will you limit the number of children at the table?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
i. on a surface that can be easily cleaned?
please help!!!!

Description and Message:
Hello i'm really stuck on this question! Any help would be really appreciated!
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Re: Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:53 pm

I) Yes, when palnning a finger painting expereince it can become a very messy activity so you need to ensure that the area you set this up in can be easily cleaned.

2) To wash and dry children's hands maybe you could have a bucket with a wet towel you can use to wash hands and a dry towl to dry hands.

3) For supervision only allow a couple of children at a time to complete this activity.

4) Keep the paint in a container and brush a litte onto the table for the children to use.

5) Call children a couple at a time.

Hope This Helps,


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Re: Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

Post by lilygrace » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:13 am

Thanks a lot :)

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Re: Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

Post by Chels23 » Tue May 27, 2014 11:26 am

For I) my assessor told me my answer was not sufficient. Please list all of the considerations you would need to consider when setting up an activity. My answer was: to ensure that the area can be easily cleaned. I'm abit stuck, what other considerations is she meaning?

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Re: Injuries - Scenario: Finger Painting Activity

Post by creative_assistant » Tue May 05, 2015 8:11 pm

Here is what I think may help;

- Make sure with your Team Leader and Educators that you have allowed sufficient time for finger painting
- What part of the room are you using for Finger Painting
- Check with parents about any allergies etc with finger paint, so you can look up homemade recipes
- Provide children smocks to ensure they don't get paint on their clothes or ask the parents to ensure the child has a spare pair
- Supervising children say 3-4 whilst completing this activity
- Set up an area they can wash their hands and providing wipes for children to clean their hands
- Make sure their is newspaper underneath the chairs, tables and around the area to ensure no paint is spilt on the floor if so put a yellow caution sign to let children know they are unable to come into that space.
- Provide plenty of buckets or jars of water for children to wash their brushes.
- If you get stuck google the keywords and see what happens..... Hope this helps :)

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