sexual behaviour in preschoolers

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sexual behaviour in preschoolers

Post by megs_95 » Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:32 pm

Recently at my centre I've witnessed a few types of sexual behaviours in the children, generally 4-5 year olds. I've done a little research on appropriate sexual behaviours in children and I'm not sure whether to class some of the behaviours as normal. Many of the boys aged 3-5 will touch and explore their genitals while in the bathroom, and most of the children will look at each other's bodies while in the bathroom, which seems quite normal to me. But recently I witnessed a 5 year old girl masturbating during rest time - and it was rather full on, putting her fingers inside herself and grinding against her pillow/sheets. The regular room staff said it happens often and didn't say anything to the child.

Then this week I witnessed a 4 year old boy, pants pulled down, grinding up against a girl the same age. It happened quickly from when I noticed to when the qualified staff stepped in, so I'm not sure whether the girl had participated at all or whether the boy had instigated it himself. She didn't seem distressed at all afterwards. This boy in particular also exhibits a lot of anger and defiance so this incident makes me wonder if it was a learnt behaviour from abuse...

I guess in these situations, what do you do? What do you say to a child showing sexual behaviours past their age, or do when you catch them in the act? It's a rather sensitive and difficult subject and as I'm new to my centre the staff and director don't like to involve me too much in these more confidential issues. Though since I've recently seen more sexual incidents I might ask my director to explain to me privately how I should handle these issues in the moment (since more senior staff take care of the discipline/reporting of these behaviours).

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Re: sexual behaviour in preschoolers

Post by Lorina » Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:23 am

Preschoolers are very curious and at around this age begin to explore their own bodies and wanting to look at others either of the same sex or the opposite. Like you said it's completely normal for preschoolers to do this and it's a normal part of their development.

You mentioned about a 5 years old girl masturbating during rest time well this is also quite common behaviour, although not all children will do this. Usually this tends to happen when a child is bored and they simply do it because it feels good. When this happens try and distract her with something else. Say something like "let's go choose a book off the book shelf" etc. It doesn't help just letting the girl continue with it as it can quite uncomfortable for all involved. I'm providing some more info on it below:

Masturbation in Preschoolers

When dealing with this type of behaviour you need to make the children aware that their private parts are not for their friends to see. Everyone has private parts and it's not nice if they go around showing it to everyone. All staff at your centre should deal with this issue in the same way. Even though you are knew you should be told the techniques being used by the senior staff on how this issue is handled.

Children grow out of these behaviours as they get older because they tend to get more shy and more body concious...

I'm sure this behaviour will pass once the preschoolers find another interest!


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Re: sexual behaviour in preschoolers

Post by Stealthdoze » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:50 pm

That was an interesting response. I agree with the strategy of diverting the girl's attention to something else because of how uncomfortable it is for the other people around.

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