During this time the children were involved in various extra activities; tennis, soccer, dancing and Japanese.
Through conversations with parents I discovered most liked the idea of their children learning another language but many did not want Japanese so were hesistant to pay for it and would prefer a particular other language be taught instead. The other issue for many of the families is the cost - most of these lessons are around $12 per child and some do not want their children missing out so are paying for ALL of them!
After discussions with the Director, owner and colleagues it has been decided we will begin offering this language all the parents are wanting by using our existing staff and moving the staff for the period the lesson takes (moving the person who is a native speaker to the preschool room for the duration of the class). It has been decided that no extra charge will be made as we are using our own staff and we want all the children participating.
I'm absolutely stoked with this idea as it will be good for our centre, good for our children and great for publicity.
My biggest question is how do we get started? I want to help as much as possible as it was my idea, however I will not be teaching the class as I feel a native speaker is preferable. What resources should we use? Should she speak in English as well? How are we going to keep such a large group entertained? What do we start with? Do we need stories, CD-Roms, DVD's, Music ect.
My personal opinion is that we need a bit more structure to the lesson plan for this than we usually do during the day as it's likely to be a half hour block per week.
Seems like there will lots of EYLF outcomes we can use too

Would love to hear your opinions.