Garage Playroom!

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little yellow
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Garage Playroom!

Post by little yellow » Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:49 am

Hi All, After tax time I will be turning my garage into the main play area for my FDC obviously my children will not be eating or sleeping in here however I feel the larger space the children will benefit from so I can leave such things as interest tables and play corners set up without packing then away each night. My question is what do YOU think is important in a playroom apart from lots of resources. I'd like blackboard paint on atleast part of one wall, and also a large magnet or busy board wall....any other ideas?? Thanks :))
Last edited by Lorina on Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Garage Playroom!

Post by Lorina » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:14 pm

Using a garage for a play area... I think it's a great idea! If you certainly got the room, you can make it really nice and inviting for the children and at least you don't have to pack iT away at the end of each day! It's like your own little classroom in your garage... awesome!

Having lots of resources is a factor but you could also make a lot of them too... So you don't have to go overboard with spending money just on resources. It's also a good idea to have a maybe 2 or 3 tables with chairs that you can put activities on as well as shelving for children to select their own experiences/ activities throughout the day.

I think you should use a variety of interest areas in the room, which can be divided into areas using mats, shelves etc. Some of the areas you can include are:

- Block Are
- Home Corner
- Book Area
- Art N Craft area
- Puzzle Shelf
- Sensory Play area

It's also easier to follow and extend upon children's learning and add different experiences to each of the areas to reflect what is on your curriculum plan and doing it this way also reflects a play based approach.

We do have an article available in Resources, Childcare Professionals called Interest Areas for Children Interest Areas for Childrenwhich also may give you a few ideas on what to set up in the indoor environment.

When considering what to add to your room you may also have to think about the different ages of children that you will be looking after during the day. For e.g. If you will be looking after any babies, you will need to create a safe environment that they can also explore.

BTW- the blackboard wall and magnetics is great... You should also try gluing big colored piece of felt to a wall where children can use felts to create felt stories, oh and also don't forget to include natural resources as well... Plastic is not that fantastic!

Hopefully this gives you some ideas on where to get started!

Cheers :geek:,

little yellow
Posts: 36
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Re: Garage Playroom!

Post by little yellow » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:42 pm

Hey LA thanks so much for your detailed reply!! Lots of helpful ideas so thanks again!

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Re: Garage Playroom!

Post by Jensie » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:25 pm

I have been using my double garage as a childcare playroom for 12 years and it works really well. I leave the connecting door to the house open so there is easy access to the kitchen and bathroom. I also have a roller door at the back of the garage which I lift up for the children to go out to the backyard. I have open shelving for activity choice, dress-up corner, little sofas for the children to sit on and read books, craft table, play kitchen area, dolls area, 2 tables - one set up in the kitchen area and one for craft, a communication table that has an older computer on it that children can access and a TV for educational viewing. Most of the floor has carpet and mats to define areas. Children display their art on the walls and we hang some stuff from the ceiling as well. In rainy weather, it is a great area. Everything is set up and lots for the kids to do. Enjoy setting up your play area!!!

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