Children stuck in a pretend play rut

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Children stuck in a pretend play rut

Post by Kymj » Sat May 17, 2014 9:16 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm hoping someone out there can help. I have a very small group of children, usually under 10, and they participate in the same pretend play routine. While I understand that this is there preference I am concerned that it is limiting there ability to explore. Each day the collect the dolls, wrap them up and put them in the bouncers. There is very little verbal interaction between the children. So far I have tried brainstorming new ideas, making a shop (with real life shopkeeper photos etc), working with them to create a doctors surgery. They work beautifully with me as we brainstorm and set up the area but within 5 minutes the dolls are back with the same routine. I'm just not sure where to head with this one.
I would appreciate any ideas you have.

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Re: Children stuck in a pretend play rut

Post by MarkPowter » Sun May 18, 2014 8:04 pm

Hello Kymj!

Typical children going back to what they know and feel comfortable with. I see this a lot now days but it is nothing to worry about. Some children I look after have done the same activity day after day for 3 months. They will change when they want to :)

If you would like a change though, build on what is already there! They love the dolls so use them to develop the experience even more. I see that you have tried this with a shop and a doctors surgery but they went back to their old ways. This could be because there was a lack of knowledge about the new scenarios and a lack of input into how the play could work. While you brainstormed ideas on different scenarios, did you discuss how this could play out and the different roles that could be played? Is it possible for the children to do the same type of play but in a different area of the centre? Outside instead of inside for example as this may spark new ideas for the children. Even try throwing in some random props or even taking some away to force the children into new roles.

At the end of the day, I would not be too worried. This is pretty normal for children and if they are having fun, that is all that matters. If the children are not talking, remove some of the dolls and they will be forced to share with others. Keep changing it so children don't have access to the same things day after day and that way they will have to adapt and change! Good luck :)

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Re: Children stuck in a pretend play rut

Post by Lorina » Mon May 19, 2014 5:32 am

Mark's right!

Build upon what the children already know. Their interest at the moment seems to be babies. Extend on this by adding new items into their role play (baby bottles, baby food) etc. For outdoor play you can add buckets of water, soap and bath towels that can be used to wash and dry their babies. Discuss why it's important to take care of babies, what they need, why they cry etc. Get images of babies from different cultures, babies being bathed, sleeping etc. and see where this can lead...

Rather than change it, use it to create a learning opportunity...

Hope this helps,


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