Rest Periods For Non Sleeping Children

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Rest Periods For Non Sleeping Children

Post by lyndle » Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:42 am

i have a problem, my room is a room full of 3 year olds. we currently have 20 in our room with 2 staff until rest time. at rest time we have 1 staff member and if we are lucky a relief person for maybe 1/2hr. out of the 20 children we may have at least 11 children the don't or aren't allowed to sleep. our rest or quiet time is between 12-2 by 1pm we usually have 15 children or more awake trying to keep occupied with quiet activities and only 1 staff member. some of these children have undiagnosed problem so no support staff. we are getting worn out trying to entertain the children,keep up with paperwork and maintain a clean safe environment. is this legal and how do i approach my director with this problem or do i speak to someone higher. can anyone offer suggestions.

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Re: Rest Periods For Non Sleeping Children

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:01 pm

It's hard I've been in the same situation and most of the time you want pull your hair out trying to manage it all alone!

I had a look at the regulations and it states:


The National Regulations require the educator to child ratio to be maintained at all times.
However, it is recognised that backfilling educators in Centre-based services while they are on
short breaks is difficult. The approach of Regulatory Authorities will be to allow each educator
to take up to 30 minutes off the floor per day without being backfilled—for example, for
personal hygiene, meal breaks or to take personal phone calls—without the service being in
breach of prescribed ratio requirements. At all times the overarching consideration must be the
needs of the children and adequate supervision must be maintained at all times.

For example, this provision might be used to provide educators with two 15 minute tea breaks
without backfilling their position, or one 30-minute lunch break, where adequate supervision can
be maintained. This provision is not intended to result in situations where accommodating the
needs of the children is compromised. For example, children should not be required to rest for an
unreasonable length of time to accommodate educators’ breaks.

Now according to the Regulations you are able to be in the room alone with the children without having an extra staff member to cover. However, it depends on the needs of the children. So, if you have 11 children that are up, you will need assistance to help you manage it (although your director may argue that you are still in ratio). Instead I think you may need to re-arrange your lunch breaks so both of you can be in the room for most of the time, so you can assist each other in what needs to be done. Instead of taking 1/2 hour breaks each during lunch time - you could each take 15 minutes and take the other 15 minutes during a time that is easier. For example - during outdoor play or in the afternoon. I know it's not ideal because it's important to have a break from the children during the day but it's better than dealing with rest time by yourself.

Hope this helps!


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Re: Rest Periods For Non Sleeping Children

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:39 pm

Just wanted to add - you asked about how you approach this with your director just explain what is happening within the room at lunch time. That you feel you require more supervision as most of the children are awake...However, it will help if you talk to your assistant and come up with a solution together that you can share with your director such as taking 2 - 15 minute breaks during the day instead of 1 - 30 minute break at lunch.

Hope this helps!


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