First Time Being a Director

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First Time Being a Director

Post by gypsy1981 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:07 pm

Our Director left in June and I have been doing the job since. I dont want the job permanently but they havent replaced her yet. I feel isolated from my peers and have had to do some difficult things such as written warnings and I feel a little like they are trying to get away with stuff that wouldn't normally be ok. Feeling very lonely at the top. Not sure what my question is - I guess I just want to hear from others who have been there and how they handled it.

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Re: First Time Being a Director

Post by Lorina » Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:08 pm

At one centre I was the preschool room leader. I got offered the job as a Director when the very popular Director left after 5 years of being at that service... Let's just say staff were not very happy since I was at that centre for only 12 months. One staff member had been a casual for a long time at this centre, just started as a full time and was not happy that the position was given to me. During my interview and my 12 months of working I was also given the 2IC and management and Director was very pleased to pass on the position too me. Once the Director left I had to make some changes that I felt was necessary to the service and since we were to be accredited soon improvements needed to be done. This particular staff member questioned me in front of other staff and children on why was I changing what the previous Director did and everything should be left as it. Like a professional I took her into the office and explained what I was doing. Well after that she didn't make much comments but I did have to cop a fair share of dealings from the staff that didn't really occur before. It seems like they want to test you and see how far they can push it...

As a Director you have to keep the friendships aside and you are there to run a centre. Let staff know that you will deal with any behaviour that you see unfit from the staff and that when a warning is issues it's serious. You should also be encouraging and thank staff daily for the hard work they do and notice and comment on things happening in each room. It does take some time but it will fall into place...

Just wanted to share my experience,


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