CMV Risks - Working While Pregnant

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CMV Risks - Working While Pregnant

Post by peaches123 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:01 pm

I just wanted to ask about this virus that you can catch from changing nappies etc. I recently heard a friend of mine lost her baby well into her pregnancy (19 weeks) as she contracts the virus. She told hat she wore gloves at all time when changing nappies at work and was quiet shocked to find from blood test she had it. When I was pregnant last year I was very concerned about this and my risks of catching it but my work blew it off and said it's nothing to worry about. I spent a considerable amount of time arguing that I shouldn't be doing nappies and I wasn't going to put my baby at risk. But I did anyway because they told me too bad it's part of the job description. I was angry. Not once did they support and protect my pregnancy in the time I worked for them.

I guess it's a rant but at the same time I wanted to ask would you if you were pregnant feel the same as me? What would you do?

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Re: CMV risks

Post by SarahJay » Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:39 pm

I was in the same boat as you. My boss just kept saying it was fine so long as I wore gloves and washed my hands. Eventually I just I could do it was too physically demanding and had my midwife write a letter. I was always worried about CMV. I hope your friend seeks some legal advice as I think it's something very dangerous that's getting swept under the rug when it shouldn't be.

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Re: CMV risks

Post by Lorina » Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:42 am

peaches123 wrote:I recently heard a friend of mine lost her baby well into her pregnancy (19 weeks) as she contracts the virus. She told hat she wore gloves at all time when changing nappies at work and was quiet shocked to find from blood test she had it.
My heart sank when I read this! CMV is a serious viral infection for pregnant woman and I cannot believe that even when pregnant you are made to continue on with tasks and duties that you had previously done. Wearing gloves or not, it doesn't matter, it's not the only way CMV can be transmitted and I'm so sorry to hear that your friend lost her baby due to this. When you are pregnant you need to take a stand because it's not only your life that is at risk it's the unborn baby as well. Anything that affects you, affects the child and vice-versa. Centres should be accepting and understanding and limit the tasks and duties that you need to do while pregnant otherwise it's not worth working there at all! Why risk it...

There is a previous topic in the forum on another educator discussing working while pregnant. In my response to this topic I've added links to further information on CMV and the risks as well as a court case of a pregnant educator contacting CMV at the centre. I'm adding the link below:

pregnant in childcare

It's so important to take a stand when pregnant and working as you never know what may happen.


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Re: CMV risks

Post by megs_95 » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:10 am

Some bosses must really be clueless... I'm thankful that at my centre, as soon as you say you're pregnant, you're not allowed to change nappies.

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