Breathing & Relaxation Techniques

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Breathing & Relaxation Techniques

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:53 pm

For all the pregnant mums!,

Breathing Patterns

Deep Cleansing Breath - Breathe in deeply through your nose and sigh out from your mouth. Take this breath at the beginning and the end of of a breathing practice.

Waist-Level Breathing - Put your hands at your waist below your breasts. Breathe in deeply through your nose up to your hands and breathe out slowly through your mouth.

Chest-Level Breathing - Place your hands at your chest, below your collarbone. Breathe in and out through your mouth up to your hands, a shallow, slow an gently breath.

Jaw-Level Breathing “Out”- This breathing allows you simply to say the word “out” with a stress on the “t”.

Precaution - If you ever feel dizzy while doing the breathing exercises, cover your nose and mouth with your palm and blow out once. Then breathe normally. This will re-establish the proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body and relieve dizziness if experienced.

Breathing Practice - Pretend you are having a contraction which slowly builds up to a peak and then goes away.

Your Partner says || Duration || You-Do

contraction begins || 15 seconds || A deep cleansing breathe and waist level breathing.

getting stronger || 15 seconds || Chest level breathing

Still stronger || 15 seconds || Out breathing

it's going away || 15 seconds || Chest level breathing

further away || 15 seconds || waist-level breathing

it's gone || -- || deep cleansing breath

Practice a few times verbally. It is also important to practice these exercises with pressure on the wrist. The nerves are sensitive on the inner wrist and by adding pressure on them we inform the nerves with the messages the greater the pressure the shallower the breathing. When labour begins the nerves end on the uterus will send similar messages to the brain as contractions progress. The brain will automatically respond to greater discomfort with shallower breathing , due to the earlier practice with pressure on the wrist.

Your partner should hold your wrist and practice the following types of pressure:

contraction begins – exert a firm grip on the wrist
it's getting stronger – exert a little more pressure
still stronger – still more pressure
its going away – reduce the pressure
further away – return to a firm grip on the wrist
it's gone – release pressure totally

Practice five rounds of breathing practice once daily.

Best of Luck!


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