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Post by KHaunga » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:06 pm

My name is Karen and I am looking for some advice on how to save power in a city base childcare. What I mean about city-based is that we are on the top floor of a work building and it is hard to save power when our lights are mostly automatic, the air-con is running 24/7 as we cannot control the air flow and when we can turn it off as it is only one system which works throughout the whole building. I want to find sufficient ways and most of the things I want to try and save power in other areas cost money which we do not have as we do have a set budget for our centre and is not enough to cover the sustainability side. Can anyone help with any suggestions on what I can do to help save power a little bit more than usual.


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Re: Sustainability

Post by Lorina » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:58 am

Hi Karen,

The following may give you ideas on how you can promote sustainability across the service including energy saving practices:

Sustainability Practices In Childcare

Hope this helps!


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