Some advice please! I may be fired!!

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Some advice please! I may be fired!!

Post by Regalbeagle » Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:31 pm

Hi there, i am Posting for the first time in This forum and for a very unfortunate reason. I was called for disciplinary meeting and may be fired.

It was morning time and the kids were still in the process of settling in a baby about 10-11 months was particularly unsettled and we (my co-worker, a casual) thought it would be better if he is sent for a morning nap as sometimes before it has helped. I took him to change his morning nappy before sleep and as I was in the nappy room I heard some loud noise and my co-worker saying so. Etching which I could not make out as the music was turned on very loud, I thought judging by the sound that something has fallen and someone has got hurt. My heart sank and I rushed out to have a peek at what has happened. Our nappy room is attached to the room and the change table is about four five steps away from the barring door. As I peek outside and could have an idea of what has happened I see my nominated supervisor is in the room talking to a baby and before I could do any thing she loudly exclaims that I had left the baby on the changing mat and suddenly I realised that I have, I reach back to the baby but was told to go out and be ready for the action.

I try to explain why it happen and did not deny that I indeed had done that horrible mistake. I was called for the disciplinary meeting in which I accepted that It indeed happen and am really very sorry for the unfortunate event . I said i was the only permanent staff in the room at the time and felt responsible for the rooms routine and general safety of all the kids, my other permanent staff member started later that day, and it is very unfortunate that the incident happen and I would never knowingly put any child in harms way but this was a lapse of judgement on my part for which I am terribly regretful . I asked for another chance to prove myself and now have to wait for the verdict. I was told that there is a possibility of me getting fired, not necessarily but still.

I have been trying hard not to cry but i couldn't help myself from breaking in tears during the meeting and otherwise and have kicked myself million times for what happened.

I ask for some advice as what could happen, and incase It does happen will I be paid my acquired time in lieu and annual leave.??

Considering the circumstances I am not expecting a notice period. And should I mention this in my resume and let my prospective future employers know of this particular situation.??

Pls help, I really need some guidance...

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Re: Some advice please! I may be fired!!

Post by Lorina » Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:06 pm

Sorry I missed your post...

What happened? Did they give you a warning?


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Re: Some advice please! I may be fired!!

Post by Regalbeagle » Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:11 pm

Hi lorina

Thankfully I was given a warning. A final. Warning that if anything happens it will be final. And I had the most unfortunate luck today, a child walked out of the room In the courtyard as a parent may have left the room door open to go to the other side where older children gather for the morning and before I or any other educator could realise that the child was not there another educator brought the child in, the whole scene may be took two three minutes. And i got another letter again for disciplinary meeting which I have a feeling is just a formality to say gudbye. Feel like killing myself. After reminding myself to be extra careful after that incident this has to happen with me and over that I forgot to sign in in the room as well which my director was quick to take picture of (of signing sheet) and added that to my notice letter. I just don't know how it happened or what to do but I have resigned myself and am just waiting to face the gallows. I really like working in this centre but unfortunately I think it's time to go...

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Re: Some advice please! I may be fired!!

Post by Lorina » Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:54 pm

I'm glad to hear that you got a warning only!

I'm sorry to hear you were involved in another incident! I hope you weren't the only one to receive a letter for the child leaving the room... it sucks that it happened! I don't think it warrants another warning though... the child wasn't outside the premises were they? As for signing in a gentle reminder is all that is needed! Sometimes we get so caught up in our work that we sometimes forget... it's not a big deal... so not sure why the director is making an issue!

I know you're going through a hard time at work now, but holidays are just around the corner, where you can take some time off and relax then go back to work ready for a new year! Don't resign... these are just little incidences that happens... no child was hurt which is the main thing!

Hope you are alright!


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Re: Some advice please! I may be fired!!

Post by Regalbeagle » Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:49 am

Hi Lorina

Thanks for your kind words, the child wasn't outside the premises but was by himself in the yard. I think the director has made up the mind to fire me and is evident from the way of talking. Somehow I feel the other two educators who were in there will just get the warning may be even verbal i won't know as one of them is quite liked by the director and other one was the one who made sure the whole centre knew about the incedent.

Lorina if I apply for another job can I still put this centre for references, what are my chances of getting another job of I get fired? And would they describe the situation why I was let go? I'm in a terrible state of mind I can't afford to be jobless. I can't sleep, can't eat and just the whole thing keeps going on in my mind...


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