please guide me, what is the difference between permanent part time and permanent full time which is a good option to take over?
can you continue the role as a senior educator while you pregnant at a child care job?
what would be your responsibility at a room if you would be a senior educator?
Permanent Part Time VS Permanent Full Time
Re: manent part time and permanent full time which is a good option to take over
Are you currently pregnant or planning to get pregnant in the near future?
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Re: manent part time and permanent full time which is a good option to take over
but may be in future
Re: Permanent Part Time VS Permanent Full Time
With full time you work 38 hours per week and with part time you work less than 38 hours per week but you are in a set schedule. So it depends how much you want to work... when you are pregnant and working it's very hard and working part time is probably the best option! However if your not going to conceive within 1 or 2 years than you can do full time work...
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Childcare Documentation App: Appsessment - Childcare App
Child News: Child Weekly
Re: Permanent Part Time VS Permanent Full Time
It's up to you how much you want to work...
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Childcare Documentation App: Appsessment - Childcare App
Child News: Child Weekly
Re: Permanent Part Time VS Permanent Full Time
and what about what would be your responsibility at a room if you would be a senior educator?