Online EYLF Tools

Support forum for feature requests and for troubleshooting issues when opening or downloading EYLF templates that are listed under the Templates section of this website
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linsaa fdc
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Re: Online EYLF Tools 0.0.4 - Support Forum!

Post by linsaa fdc » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:08 am

Am I being too impatient to ask if anyone knows when the new templates are going to be released?

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Re: Online EYLF Tools 0.0.4 - Support Forum!

Post by Lorina » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:51 am

Hi Linsaa,

No you are not impatient to ask for an update. That's totally fine.. :)

We are very close to the release for sure. We have been working many hours over the past 2 weeks so we can try and push its release asap. Our initial targeted date was the end of June or first week of July and we are already here. We have completed most of the planned lists for this next release and some of the pending changes are now postponed to the later versions so it doesn't delay the release of this next version much longer. You can see the progress report here:

Site Update - Online EYLF Tools - Progress Status for Next Release!

I am currently working on creating completed samples for all of these templates as well as updating the previous samples I had for curriculum, learning stories, etc.. so they all link to each other. Hopefully this gives a better example for others. Once these samples are done, we will start the testing and it will be released soon.

We are trying to release at least the beta version by this weekend for testing. If that goes well, the final version with these templates should be released in a day or 2 from there.

Important Notice on Portfolio Templates
: We will be releasing the portfolio templates as premium templates. This means, users in our donators group will have access to download these premium templates. All existing users who are already in this group will automatically have the privilege to download them and for users who are not in the donators group will be added to this group when you donate $25/- or more to Aussie Childcare Network. More details on this will be provided during the release.

Honestly I am excited as much as you are to release these portfolio templates. Stay tuned and I will be back with more updates....



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Re: Online EYLF Tools 0.0.4 - Support Forum!

Post by linsaa fdc » Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:41 am

Thank you L.A for your quick reply.
I think $25 is a small price to pay for what we are getting and the amount of work/hours that goes into providing the tools for us,
the templates truly save us so much time.

Much appreciated.

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Re: Online EYLF Tools 0.1.0 Beta Released To Support Team!

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:03 pm

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update...

Online Tools 0.1.0 Beta version has now been released to our Support Team for testing. If everything goes well, then we are most likely to release this on Monday.

We will be back with more updates once it is made available to all users...


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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:04 pm

Hi Everyone,

Online Tools version 0.1.0 is finally here! We are very excited as well as delighted to release this new version Online Tools with a lot more templates and tools to support Early Childhood Educators in Australia. This release has a total of 36 templates included with 24 free templates and 12 premium templates. These templates can be found under the following category:

1) Long Daycare Templates: These templates includes Play Based Learning Curriculum Plan (both Daily and Weekly Templates), Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum Plan (both Daily and Weekly Templates), Learning Story, Reflections Of Our Day / Reflections Of Our Week and 3 Child Observation Templates.

2) Family Daycare Templates: These templates includes Play Based Learning Curriculum Plan (both Daily and Weekly Templates), Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum Plan (both Daily and Weekly Templates), Learning Story, Reflections Of Our Day / Reflections Of Our Week and 3 Child Observation Templates.

3) OOSH Templates: These templates includes OOSH Weekly Curriculum Plan, Learning Story, Reflections Of Our Day / Reflections Of Our Week and 3 Child Observation Templates.

4) Portfolio Templates: These templates include Portfolio Coverpage, All About My Child, Family Life, Our Weekend, My Handprint, My Footprints, Happy Birthday, Snapshot Of Me (for girls), Snapshots Of Me (for boys), Special Moments, Kids Say the Darndest Things and Art Work Sample.

Here is the list all features included in this version:

1) New Portfolio Templates: Brand new Portfolio Templates are now released and available for download as Premium templates. These templates are available in both Print Only version as well as Online Tools Fillable version.

2) New Online Tools Page & Category: The Online Tools are now divided into LDC, FDC, OOSH and Portfolio sections so it is a lot easier to find your templates simply by picking the right category.

3) New Download System: We have released a new Download system with this version. So when downloading these templates, the download pop-up will open that allows you to save the template on your computer (or) open it directly from your computer using the Adobe Acrobat / Reader. This also a solution for all users who frequently run into Adobe browser plug-in related issue that doesn't open these forms from your browser even when you have the latest Adobe installed. Further, this is a much secure download system that will benefit our users.

4) Premium Templates: We have released the new Premium Template feature with this version. Premium templates are templates that are available for users in our Donator Group. This is our way to show appreciation to our Donors who support Aussie Childcare Network and to reward them with special templates and features as our way to say “Thank You”. It is also to encourage our users to support this project that helps us in dedicating more time to develop more tools in the future. At the moment, the Portfolio templates are released as premium templates. More premium templates will be released in the future version. Click here to know about Premium Templates and how to join the Donator Group.

5) New Completed Samples for all Templates: We have provided new completed samples for all templates available in our Online Tools. These samples will help all educators to get an idea on how to go about completing these documentation. The examples provided also shows you how to interlink the Curriculum Plan with the Child Observation, Learning Story and the Reflections Of Our Day. We have created separate samples for each settings - Long Daycare setting, Family Daycare setting and OOSH Before and After School settings. Completed samples for all portfolio templates are also included.

6) New Features and Updates to Existing Templates: A lot of changes and new features are added to our existing Online Tools templates. We will provide you with full details on changes done below.

New Changes and Features Added to our Existing Templates:

I) Curriculum Plans:

  • The "Child Directed Obs" Input Key is now changed to "Focus Child" which is more related to the EYLF. (Changes made to all LDC, FDC and OOSH Curriculum Plans)
  • "Date" field under each experience box in Weekly Curriculum Plans are now changed to "Date Initiated" to easily link extension experiences to the current Curriculum Plan. (Changes made to LDC and FDC Weekly Curriculum Plans)
  • Typos in Learning Outcomes are now fixed to match the outcomes listed in EYLF Framework outcomes. (Changes made to LDC & FDC Daily and Weekly Curriculum Plans)
  • Optimized the loading method of Input Keys for faster rendering of forms. (Changes made to all LDC, FDC and OOSH Curriculum Plans)
  • Changed the Learning Outcomes colours to match My Time Our Place colour theme for OOSH Curriculum Plan template.

II) Learning Stories:

  • The heading is changed from "Learning Stories" to "Learning Story". (for LDC, FDC and OOSH Learning Stories)
  • Ability to add more photos in Page 2. (for LDC, FDC and OOSH Learning Stories)
  • Added the "Name Of Experience" box to type in the heading for that Learning Story (for LDC, FDC and OOSH Learning Stories)
  • Added a "Written by" field to include the educators name in LDC and OOSH Learning Stories.
  • Fixed the photo fields to horizontal align and vertical align for the inserted photos. (for LDC, FDC and OOSH Learning Stories)
  • Typos in Learning Outcomes are now fixed to match the outcomes listed in EYLF Framework outcomes. (Changes made to LDC & FDC Learning Stories)
  • Changed the Learning Outcomes colours to match My Time Our Place colour theme for OOSH Learning Story template.

III) Reflections Of Our Day:

  • Added a Drop-down box to the heading to change between "Reflections Of Our Day" and "Reflections Of Our Week". (for LDC, FDC and OOSH versions)
  • Changed the Date field to "Week Beginning" in the Reflections Of Our Week format. (for LDC, FDC and OOSH versions)
  • Ability to add more photos in Page 2. (for LDC, FDC and OOSH versions)
  • Fixed the photo fields to horizontal align and vertical align for the inserted photos. (for LDC, FDC and OOSH versions)
  • Typos in Learning Outcomes are now fixed to match the outcomes listed in EYLF Framework outcomes. (Changes made to LDC & FDC Templates)
  • Changed the Learning Outcomes colours to match My Time Our Place colour theme for OOSH Reflections Of Our Day template.

Related Links:

Link to Online Tools:
Complete list of changes in 0.1.0: Site Update - Online EYLF Tools - 0.1.0 New Release!
Online Tools Support Forum: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!
How to Download Premium Templates: ... plates.php
Online Tools FAQs: ... ls_faq.php
Support Us:

IMPORTANT: Remember to discard the previous version of these templates and download the latest versions from here.

We hope you enjoy the new Portfolio templates as well as the new updated changes we have made,

Also I would just like to say Thanks to our Support Team for helping us test the new Online Tools!



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linsaa fdc
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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by linsaa fdc » Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:18 am

Hi L.A,
My first child arrived at 5.30am, I got her settled and quickly checked my emails.
To my surprise the new Portfolio templates have been released....yay
Thankyou they are great.

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by emilysnan » Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:14 pm

Thank You for all the support and you give our industry, such a help to those of us that are not so clever on the computer,
Just a quick question I received a email telling me that I am intitled to the preminum templates ,however I can not find access.I have donated in the pass and will again now ,Thank You


Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by KatG73 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:18 pm

Hi l.a, you have done it again! Simply amazing and breathtaking templates. LOVE these new portfolio templates and they are worth every penny for a very small price to pay. Although I have donated in the past, I am going to donate again. My centre now uses all of your templates and it's working wonderful ever since we started using them! Now they are all excited to do the portfolios. Imagine, my educators actually excited to do paperwork! Then that's how amazing your templates are!!! :clap:

Emilysnan - I got that email too and I think she said the portfolio templates are premium ones and available for donors. I was only able to download them after login. So these portfolio templates are for people donating to support this wonderful tools. I think it's very reasonable and I admire that. :D

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by Lorina » Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:48 am

emilysnan wrote:Thank You for all the support and you give our industry, such a help to those of us that are not so clever on the computer,
Just a quick question I received a email telling me that I am intitled to the preminum templates ,however I can not find access.I have donated in the pass and will again now ,Thank You

Hi Emilysnan,

Since you have already donated in the past, the premium templates are already made available to you. The Portfolio templates that are in the Online Tools are the Premium templates. Simply click on the Online Tools at the top navigation bar then select Portfolio templates.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by Lorina » Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:00 am

@Linsaa, @Emilysnan @KatG73

Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback!

I'm so happy to hear that the Portfolio templates are a success! So exciting that you all will be using them with your group of children. :thumbup:

Thank you all for your continued support!! We really appreciate it!




Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by KatG73 » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:44 am

hi l.a, Some of the staff have noticed when the parent input forms are returned, with “Linking with the Curriculum Plan” for the experience/activity some of our parents have suggested an activity/experience and have filled it in.

Is this alright for parents to fill out or should it be left up to the staff?

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:40 pm

I'm assuming you're referring to the parent input forms...If parents are adding in their own experiences that they want their child to participate in, then I think that's fine! It's actually pretty good... A great way to get parents involved in the planning process. :thumbup:

When adding a particular experience onto the program that a parent suggested, just use the parent input symbol on the curriculum plan. I'd also get the staff to come up with their own experience related to the information provided by the parents. Just add this experience onto the form as well for this you could use the intentional teaching symbol on the curriculum plan. So, for some children there may be 2 experiences, if their parent has already filled that bit out.



Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 is now released!

Post by KatG73 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:42 am

Thank you l.a. Thanks for your thoughts. Just want to check that with you. The great news is this week 8/10 parents returned the parent input forms that I gave them last week. We just did it for the babies room and the response was awesome! Absolutely loving these new templates and my educators are happy with the response from parents so far. We finally got family input on our program and thats a big deal. :)

Thank you thank you thank you. Your new templates are a lifesaver!! :clap:

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 - Portfolio Video Demo Available!

Post by Lorina » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:31 pm

Hi Everyone,

Here is the Portfolio Templates Video Demo that I have made so you can see how you can complete these portfolio templates and use it efficiently:

Here is the link to watch it directly from Youtube:

PS: Watch it at 720p HD for best quality.



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linsaa fdc
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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 - Portfolio Video Demo Available!

Post by linsaa fdc » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:34 am

Hi LA,
I am having some trouble with the Portfolio Cover page.
When I insert the photo and finalize the page the writing in the box for the photo is still noticeable behind the photo as the photo doesn't cover the whole box.
I have watched the demo and did exactly as the demo did and the writing still sticks out from the sides of the pictures even when printing it.
Could you please help.

Thankyou from an extremely happy customer.

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 - Support Forum!

Post by Lorina » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:05 pm

Hi Linsaa,

I have made a small change to it. Can you download the latest version of the portfolio coverpage from here and see if its fixed now? Let me know once you've had a chance to test it out.

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.0 - Support Forum!

Post by linsaa fdc » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:46 am

Thank you LA,
It works perfectly.

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.1 - Support Forum!

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:38 am

Thanks Linsaa for updating me.

We have updated the Portfolio Coverpage as well as the All About Me template now. You can download the latest templates from our portfolio page.

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.1 - Support Forum!

Post by linsaa fdc » Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:07 pm

Hi LA,

I have put a lot of my Educator friends onto your website and everyone is so happy.
Just a thought. Each one of them has later contacted me as they didn't know where to go to donate for the portfolio templates.
They have all said that the donate little spot looks like advertising and they weren't sure to click on it.
I reassured them, but it is something to think about, I would hate you all to miss out on donations because you are worth your weight in gold.
Thank you
Linsaa :wave:

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Re: Online Tools 0.1.1 - Support Forum!

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:23 pm

Hi Linsaa,

Thank you for your comments and your continued support!

In regards to donating, we  have a variety of ways to enable users to donate on our site:

1) Support Us button green on page header (next to Facebook and Twitter icons).
2) Online Tools Page: right hand side purple box "Contribute" button.
3) Bottom of Online Tools Page "About Online Tools" box there is "Click Here To Donate" button.
4) Portfolio Templates page: top right hand side purple box " Find This Useful" button is displayed next to the view demo.
5) Donate option when selecting "Download" when not in donator group, Portfolio Templates page when user logged in.
6) Yellow  box under portfolio templates "Copyright Notice" option to donate at the end. 
7) There is also a message in a "Yellow Box" at the top of the Portfolio page that shows when an user who is logged in and not a donator. This message says that they need to be in the donator group to download along with a link to donation page.

I'm not too sure which button looks like an advert and which one needs to be modified. Can I kindly ask you to verify which page you are referring to so I can take a look at it and if necessary change it. Also I am open for ideas if you have any suggestions on how we can maybe change it.  

Thank you for your input. Much appreciated! :)

