Exploring diversity

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Exploring diversity

Post by Priyagood » Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:33 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCIC511A
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
This task requires you to develop a project that has the potential to evolve over several days exploring aspects of diversity with preschool children.

1. Think about the range of areas that can be explored with the children in relation to diversity such as different types of families, different types of family dwelling, differences in favourite foods, differences in language spoken at home and so on.
2. Think about the children with whom you are working – what knowledge have they demonstrated in relation to understanding and awareness of diversity? What might be of interest to the children as a topic for exploration? You may like to talk to the children to get their input/ideas.
3. Once you have developed a topic, develop a web with the children using the web format sheet.
4. Develop a plan outlining the experience you could provide and the resources you could use .This only needs to be in dot point as the experiences may evolve differently once the project has started.
5. Using the appropriate planning sheets, plan your initial project experiences, implement and evaluate.
6. Meet with the children again to re-explore the original web and extend the web
7. Continue the cycle of planning, implementing and evaluating the project.
8. Submit two narratives which reflect the project from the children’s perspective.
9. Write an evaluation of the project outcome – comment on what the children’s learning and your role in supporting the children to explore diversity.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
As per my understanding I have to make a fact sheet in which I have to write different types of families ,favourite foods and their language in brief.
And than I have to link this with eylf outcome.

Description and Message:
But still confuse coz I never made a project like this how to write it what should be include in this but I read this and understand this much.
If any one have any ideas pls help me out with this difficult que. :sweating:

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Re: Exploring diversity

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:10 am

You need to create a topic (based on ideas and interests from the preschool children) for exploring diversity. It could be different foods in different cultures, languages spoken, cultural costumes, traditions (anything based on diversity).

Once you have a topic you need to do a web ( I think they provided this to you). From the children's responses in the web, create experiences (list resources), then using planning sheets plan your project experiences based on the topic from your web, do the experience and evaluate it. Go back to the web you first did and see whether the children has different thoughts on what they said previously, want to add more information, have further interests about the topic.

You need to write and submit 2 narratives (from the children's view) based on the topic you chose. One could be before the expereince and then after. Before the expereince you can talk about the children's thoughts on the topic , interests etc and then for the next narrative what happened during the expereince, what they said etc. Providing you with an example you can see:

http://examples.yourdictionary.com/narr ... mples.html

Then evaluate the project outcome - (you can use the EYLF learning outcome for this - what the children learnt etc.

So, not exactly a fact sheet...

Hope this gets you started,


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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:58 pm

Re: Exploring diversity

Post by Priyagood » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:57 am

Thanks lorina :clap:
I made a plan exactly what u said and made a 4 web first is my one ,which shows explore diversity -different family,culture,food,language.
2web- choose different food and utilities which are use to eat
3 web for resources after chn comment what I will use to explore diversity.
Than 2 experience in which kitchen corner with artificial foods from different background and utilities to eat.
Second is making a indian roti with children in the centre .
Than make a web after this two experience what they said abt different foods.
And than narrative.

Is it ok? Still confuse ...coz never made a project before.
Pls reply...

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