Desinging A Programming Template using EYLF

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Desinging A Programming Template using EYLF

Post by marj » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:02 pm

I'm finding it hard to find a template of a childcare program!
I'm studing my diploma and I have to design programs using all five learning outcomes from the early years learning framwork. Is there a weekly program guide template that I should use? I'm slowly reading all the ELYF documentation but it doesn't seem very clear to me. How do I program? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Marj :o
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Re: How to program

Post by Lorina » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:49 pm

Hi Marj,

No, there isn’t a specific template you should be using when programming using the EYLF. You can basically come up with any template and design that you would like which shows you’re implementing the EYLF. From what I understand you need to design a program using each of the Five Learning Outcomes. You said you are reading the EYLF documentation but it doesn’t seem very clear, I think that’s because you are a little confused with the headings I used. Not to worry, I’m going to try and help you out.

When you view the “EYLF Curriculum Plan” each of the boxes has a heading. For e.g. “Sensory Play”. If you need to design a program using each of the Learning Outcomes, I suggest you change the headings to each of the five learning outcomes instead. In the first box instead of “Sensory Play” change it to “Children have a strong sense of Identity”, change “Exploratory Play” to “Children are connected with and contribute to their world” etc….

Even though each of the activities/experiences you add onto your curriculum plan will be under a specific learning outcome heading, I feel it’s still important to add the Input key and learning outcome box. This is because within each of the five learning outcomes there are small goals for the children to achieve. For example: If I add this activity “Add pictures of Picasso’s art in painting area”. I would add that in the box titled “Children are effective communicators”. The learning outcome I would link this particular experience would be 5.3 which is “Children express Ideas and make meaning using a range of media”. Does this make sense?

I will continue to use the input key box as well as the box underneath the curriculum plan which has the group broad goal, cultural component and parent input/suggestions. Obviously you don’t need to design your program exactly how I did however at least it gives you a bit of an idea on where to go…

For more information on Designing A Curriculum using EYLF, read the following article: ... anning.php

For FREE EYLF programming templates check out our:

Please let me know If I can help you further,

Cheers :geek:,

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