CHCIC512A – Financial Planning Draft Report Review

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CHCIC512A – Financial Planning Draft Report Review

Post by Tabitha » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:10 am

Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?

Provide a Draft Report for review by a management committee. Show your understanding of financial and planning aspects that would have to be considered in identifying and requesting additional specialist resources.

Specialist resources may include:
Professionals with expertise about particular needs of children.
Written information
Special equipment
Information and education videos
Resource networks
Family members
Bilingual workers
Refugee services
Interpreter services
Resource units
Extra staffing

Additional resources may include:
Worker training
Toy libraries

Review of current program may include:
Review for child with additional needs, or
Review of strategies for meeting the needs of the child within a whole group context

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am stuck. No idea on how to start.

The child I am doing a developmental profile is a male, age 9. he has ben diagnosed with autism and aspergers. when he firsrt started OSHC he would want to find a dark place and hide but now enjoys interacting with others in small groups. he has little vocal communication and is independant with his own personal hygiene

Description and Message:
i am stuck, could someone please point me in the right direction to write a Draft Report for review by a commitee.

i realise that in this scenario we need to apply for a grant to get extra funding to have another carer, i think the centre i did my placement at is a not for profit organisation, and the ratio for a child with additional needs is 1:1, information on the diagnosis-autism and aspergers and how they affect the child's development. would it include having a diary set up to inform his parents/guardians of what he has achieved while in care?

thank you
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Re: CHCIC512A – Financial Planning Draft Report Review

Post by Lorina » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:15 am

Alright so for this you need to create a report based on the points in your question in regards to the child with autism and Aspergers. Within the report you need to show what financial support is needed for the child he at the centre as well as planning for the child. I am giving you some information which should help get you started: ... 24609.html ... icleID=252 ... tings.html

Hope this helps,


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Re: CHCIC512A – Financial Planning Draft Report Review

Post by mallissa » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:26 am

Hi LA thanks heaps, I shall read them through now. So the child I am doing the study on has autism which presents in motor and speech delays. So if I am requesting funding for a speech therapist for example do I put in why this particular child would benefit from that?

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