CHCECE002- Case Studies

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CHCECE002- Case Studies

Post by elisha13 » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:06 pm

Hi all :)
This is the question: "Emma is 6 years old and has been enrolled in after-school care. You have noticed that Emma does not demonstrate good hygiene practices. Her uniform is usually dirty and it appears her parents have been neglecting her hygiene. What steps can you take to provide information and support to her family to follow the service’s hygiene procedures and to ensure Emma is not suffering from neglect? Name 3 ways you could do this"

Only thing I am not sure on, if she is enrolled in after school care, couldn't the uniform be because she has dirtied it during school?? How would you find out about/ ensure theres no neglect?

Id make sure that I include health and hygiene in all activities, Id sing songs, do activities, have posters around the center about how to wash hands etc. I would possibly even work hygiene into the programme- so have a health week. Im confident on how to address the means of providing information and support, just not so sure on how to make sure the dirty clothes etc. has nothing to do with neglect?
Thanks in advance!! :)

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