CHCCHILD401A - Reporting & Continue Management Of At Risk Situation

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CHCCHILD401A - Reporting & Continue Management Of At Risk Situation

Post by coosa » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:20 pm

I need some help please with Questions 4 and 5 which are

4. Complete a document/observation for the purpose of reporting and notification, that could be used to support an investigation by the child protection agency.

5. Outline all steps for reporting and continued management of 'at risk situation' as per your service guidelines. this must include
* Details of who you would consult in the workplace regarding this matter and why?
* who wouldnt you tell?
* A copy of service policy or procedures or staff guidelines/handbook relating to suspicions of abuse - highlight areas that guide your actions - if you cannot access a policy you can source an example at ncac website.
* NCAC quality areas that fguide your actions.

Karlee, aged 5, attends your childcare service. She has been attending there since 1 year old. Karlee has always been outgoing, sociable child who gets along with her carers and peers. recently you have noticed that Karlee has begun to play on her own a lot. She seems disinterested in activities and wanders around the centre without involving herself in anything. Karlee frequently has a sad expression on her face. You have asked Karlee if there is anything worng ir if she would like to talk to you, a couple of times, but each time she has just shrugged her shoulders and said 'its ok'. recently ther have been incidents where Karlee has become very aggressive with other children, behaviour that is completely ou of character for Karlee, and last week you noticed a bruse on her right wrist. She also seems fearful of getting into trouble and is no longer the confident, outgoing little girl that she previously was.

You are aware that Karlee's mother is a single parent and that she has formed a relationship with a man called Tom, four months ago. Karlee was quite excited about 'uncle Tom' when he first appeared. He took Karlee and her mother, Amy, on outing to movies, the beach, fun fairs and so on. She has not mentioned any outings for weeks now and fees are three weeks behind.

Generally it is Amy who pick Karlee up for the centre and you have also noticed that Amy seem less enthusiastic in her greeting of Karlee. In the past she would always give Karlee a cuddle and ask her what she had done that day and exchange information with carers. Recently she has been rather abrupt and short with Karlee and no longer gives her a cuddle, simple telling her that she must hurry up and get home to Tom. Amy was initially radiant when she met ATom and the relationship seemed to have given her a zest for life. She told you he was going to move in with her and Karlee about six weeks ago and since then, you have heard that Tom lost his job.

The day before yesterday you noticed a lot of redness and swelling on Amy's Cheek and what looked like a black eye. When you asked her about the injury, she shrugged, looked away and muttered 'I fell over and hit my face.' For the last two days Tom has picked Karlee up from the out of school care centre. He hardly greets her at all and Karlee seems nervous arond him and fearful.

Today Karlee came to you crying and would not let go of your hand. You took her into the office and when you asked what is wrong, she said 'I hate Tom and I am really scared of him. He punched me in the face . He is really nasty and won't let me do anything at home. He always makes me go into my room and if mummy says anything he shouts at her. Once when I said I didnt want to go to my room he locked me out of the house for hours, at night. He has threatened to lock me in the cupboard.'

Thanks in advance for your time and help :)

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Re: CHCCHILD401A - Reporting & Continue Management Of At Risk Situation

Post by Lorina » Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:30 pm

Hi Coosa,

What a long must of taken you ages to post it all up (unless you're fast at typing) :lol: !

4. Complete a document/observation for the purpose of reporting and notification, that could be used to support an investigation by the child protection agency.

This is a vital document that can be used as evidence for suspected child abuse. It's important that you outline what you have witnessed. Look back over the scenario and write down behavior changes in the child and mother, physical marks/bruising on both the child and mother, conversations had between you and the child and mother etc. I don't think there is a "set document" that I am aware of that you need to fill in when making this observation (at a centre). Just date it and write what you have observed (all the info is in the scenario). If you can I would also take some photos of the physical marks/bruising that is shown on the child as well and keep it along with this documentation.

5. Outline all steps for reporting and continued management of 'at risk situation' as per your service guidelines

Details of who you would consult in the workplace regarding this matter and why?

The Director is the person who has responsibility for dealing with any child protection issues. Strict confidentiality will be observed at all times.s for the welfare of any child they will immediately inform the Director.

who wouldn't you tell?

I wouldn't tell the family. If the bf finds out he may end up harming the child for disclosing such information to you and I wouldn't tell the mother because she may end up denying it, pulling the child out of care and taking the child away. The situation will become worse if the family knows. Don't tell them when it's in the best interest of the child.

A copy of service policy or procedures

I have provided you with a copy of a center's policy and procedure manual. On page 39 it outlines the procedures relating to suspicion of child abuse. This will give you an overall understanding of the procedures that you are required to follow if you suspect child abuse. It will also give you info on the evidence you will need to gather through your documentation on what you have observed. Click here to read (go to page 39).

I really hope this helps answer your question,

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Re: CHCCHILD401A - Reporting & Continue Management Of At Risk Situation

Post by » Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:08 pm

Hello Lorina, finally I did became a member of your Aussie Child Care Network. I did clicked on the Click here to go to APge 39, but it saysNot found, can you please help me with more info. Thank you.

Kind regards


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Re: CHCCHILD401A - Reporting & Continue Management Of At Risk Situation

Post by Lorina » Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:59 am

This will help:

Policy and Procedures


Hope this helps!


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