CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
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CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Question 5-Involving children
"As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world". Foe this assessment task you will need to provide two examples of how you have involved and encouraged children to participate in decision making and planning within an approved early childhood education and care service.
1. For each example, identify how your professional practices have embedded the united nationals conventions on the rights of the child? Identify at least one article from the uncrc and explain how your practices model the chosen article.
2.For each example describe how you have demonstrated quality practice, in alignment with the National Quality standard. Identify at least one national Quality standard or element that is evident within your quality practices, explaining how your examples align to identified standard or element.
3. Within each example, explain how your professional practice aligns to regulation 155 interactions with children, from the education and care services National regulations ( ministerial council for education, Early children Development and youth affairs 2014
"As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world". Foe this assessment task you will need to provide two examples of how you have involved and encouraged children to participate in decision making and planning within an approved early childhood education and care service.
1. For each example, identify how your professional practices have embedded the united nationals conventions on the rights of the child? Identify at least one article from the uncrc and explain how your practices model the chosen article.
2.For each example describe how you have demonstrated quality practice, in alignment with the National Quality standard. Identify at least one national Quality standard or element that is evident within your quality practices, explaining how your examples align to identified standard or element.
3. Within each example, explain how your professional practice aligns to regulation 155 interactions with children, from the education and care services National regulations ( ministerial council for education, Early children Development and youth affairs 2014
Last edited by Lorina on Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Convention On The Rights Of The Child
Guide To The NQS
Education and Care Services Regulations
Guide To The NQS
Education and Care Services Regulations

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Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
I have read through it and I am still unsure what I shoukd be writing
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Could you please explain each question to me and I might have a better understanding of it
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Can you please provide suggestion on this question please
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
So does this mean you should go through the United Nations, mad, and regs and find out which section is based on involving children in decision making and write about how you put it into practice like listening to the child's ideas and following it though.
Then for the second example world you do the same thing but base it around planning for the children?
Then for the second example world you do the same thing but base it around planning for the children?
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Exactly! Basically you need to provide examples on how YOU involved and encouraged children in decision making and using these examples go through the UN, NQS and Regs and how your practice aligns with this...

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Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Thank you, I will do it send it to you to see if I need anything else added thanks again lord a you have been a great help
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
This is what I have so far
Example 1 Describe the example
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The article that I have chosen from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child is article 12- you have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously. The way my practices model on article 12 is by listening to the children and taking them seriously and turning their ideas and suggestions into reality. By doing this it helps the children to become engaged in the activity as they are being involved in developing it.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard that I have chosen from the National Quality Standard is Quality area 1: Educational program and practice, element 1.1.6- Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and to influence events and their world. The way my practices model on element 1.1.6 is by providing the children the opportunities to develop the confidence to explore the world, to ask educators/ adult’s questions and to express their ideas this will help the children to grow into a successful child.
Education and Care Service National Regulations
Example 1 Describe the example
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The article that I have chosen from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child is article 12- you have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously. The way my practices model on article 12 is by listening to the children and taking them seriously and turning their ideas and suggestions into reality. By doing this it helps the children to become engaged in the activity as they are being involved in developing it.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard that I have chosen from the National Quality Standard is Quality area 1: Educational program and practice, element 1.1.6- Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and to influence events and their world. The way my practices model on element 1.1.6 is by providing the children the opportunities to develop the confidence to explore the world, to ask educators/ adult’s questions and to express their ideas this will help the children to grow into a successful child.
Education and Care Service National Regulations
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Is this on track? do I need to add anything else into the UN or NQS? can you please provide some suggestions for Education and Care Service National Regulations.
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
OK, that's a start but what is your example that you have done with the children? How did you turn their ideas and suggestions into reality. You need to provide an example where you have done this...

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Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
So does that mean you could of been reading a book with the children at meeting time and about a pirate ship and the children said look at the big boat and another child said look at the flag. Then you could collect there ideas and suggestions and build pirate ship with the children
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Would that be a example?
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Okay awesome so do I just do one example? Or do I have to do three examples for each section like one for the un, nqs and reg
Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
According to your question you need to do 2 examples and relate both of these examples to the NQS, UN and regs.

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Re: CHC50113 - Involving Children To Participate In Decision Making
Example 1-
The example I am using is supporting the children in decision making- At meeting time I was sitting down with the children reading a book called “Who Sank the Boat”. The children were really engaged in the book as they were really interested in which animal sank the boat. While I was reading the book to the children I gave them the opportunity to call out the name of the animal that was getting into the boat and if they were unsure of the animal I helped them out by making the sound of the animal. I listened to the children’s responses and collected the information they knew about the book and I extended on this by getting the children to help me construct a big boat and make the different animals from the book.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The article that I have chosen from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child is article 12- you have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously. The way my practices model on article 12 is by listening to the children and taking them seriously and turning their ideas and suggestions into reality. By doing this it helps the children to become engaged in the activity as they are being involved in developing it.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard that I have chosen from the National Quality Standard is Quality area 1: Educational program and practice, element 1.1.6- Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and to influence events and their world. The way my practices model on element 1.1.6 is by providing the children the opportunities to develop the confidence to explore the world, to ask educators/ adult’s questions and to express their ideas this will help the children to grow into a successful child.
Education and Care Service National Regulations
The Education and Care Service National Regulations that I have chosen from the Education and Care Service National Regulations is part 4.5 Relationships with children, 156- relationships in group. The way my practice model on relationships in groups is by giving the children the opportunity to interact and develop respectful and positive relationship with each child and the educators.
The example I am using is supporting the children in decision making- At meeting time I was sitting down with the children reading a book called “Who Sank the Boat”. The children were really engaged in the book as they were really interested in which animal sank the boat. While I was reading the book to the children I gave them the opportunity to call out the name of the animal that was getting into the boat and if they were unsure of the animal I helped them out by making the sound of the animal. I listened to the children’s responses and collected the information they knew about the book and I extended on this by getting the children to help me construct a big boat and make the different animals from the book.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The article that I have chosen from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child is article 12- you have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously. The way my practices model on article 12 is by listening to the children and taking them seriously and turning their ideas and suggestions into reality. By doing this it helps the children to become engaged in the activity as they are being involved in developing it.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard that I have chosen from the National Quality Standard is Quality area 1: Educational program and practice, element 1.1.6- Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions and to influence events and their world. The way my practices model on element 1.1.6 is by providing the children the opportunities to develop the confidence to explore the world, to ask educators/ adult’s questions and to express their ideas this will help the children to grow into a successful child.
Education and Care Service National Regulations
The Education and Care Service National Regulations that I have chosen from the Education and Care Service National Regulations is part 4.5 Relationships with children, 156- relationships in group. The way my practice model on relationships in groups is by giving the children the opportunity to interact and develop respectful and positive relationship with each child and the educators.