022/026 - Scenario: Alex - Growing A Garden

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022/026 - Scenario: Alex - Growing A Garden

Post by allie2192 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:08 pm

I have to read the scenario bellow and answer some questions on it.

But I'm a bit stuck on some of the questions could someone please tell me if they think I'm on the right track I've tried asking my teacher but she wasn't much help.

1.Which of the Education and Care Services National Regulations reflects this scenario?
103 premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair.

105 Furniture, materials and equipment
The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that each child being educated and cared for by the education and care service has access to sufficient furniture, materials and developmentally appropriate equipment suitable for the education and care of that child.

113 Outdoor space—natural environment 
The approved provider of a centre-based service must ensure that the outdoor spaces provided at the education and care service premises allow children to explore and experience the natural environment. 

Then I was going to say why I picked them e.g. I picked 103, as the equipment that the children will be using for their garden project must be safe, clean and in good repair.

Do you think this answers the question?

3. Using the example of Alex’s vegetables and the interest the children showed in establishing a garden at the service, explain how you would:
a. Provide opportunities for the children to plan and/or modify the indoor or outdoor environment to include a garden?

I would do this by asking the children to draw what they would like there garden to look like, I would also sit down and talk with the about what they would like their garden to look like and what flowers and vegetables they would like to see if their garden.

I would also do an activity where we went outside and picked a spot to start our garden, I would discuses with them about having a few pot plants inside the classroom that they could also look after as well.
We would also sit down and talk about the equipment we would need to start the garden and the equipment we would need to keep the garden alive.

b. Make the garden project flexible enough to support children’s learning?
I would make the project flexible by asking them simple question like what could we do with the grass that we’ve dug up? Would we need to dig a whole for the seeds that we would like to plant? I would also discuss with each of them what part of the garden project they would like to have a go at as some of them have different motor skills.

i. In relation to this scenario how could you promote family and community involvement?
You could promote family and community involvement in the project by putting up a poster in the room and asking parents if they would like to come and help out with the garden project or if they had anything that they would like to donate to help with the garden project. You could also ask local garden center or put up a notice on a local community board asking if they would like to help out or if they would like to come and talk to the children about gardening.

6. How would you assess and evaluate the planned and unplanned teaching and learning that occurred during this project?
I would access the unplanned teaching and learning that occurred during the project by consulting with other educators and writing up a group anecdotal and I would also do a reflection on my own performance throughout the experience.


At lunch time Alex opens his lunch box and proudly shows Emily and the other children sitting at his table fresh tomatoes and snow peas from his Pop’s garden. Alex tells them how every afternoon he goes round to his Pop’s house and helps him in his veggie garden and how his Pop lets him plant the seedlings and that it is his job to water them every day.
When one of the children notices a small hole in one of the tomatoes, Alex tells them about how caterpillars like to eat the plants. Ava remembers that there is a book on the shelf about a caterpillar, goes over to find “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and asks Emily will she read it after lunch. After reading the book the children have lots of questions about gardens and caterpillars and several of the children ask why they can’t have a garden at the service like Alex’s Pop?
The educators know the learning and development that can occur when children are involved in the outdoor environment but have been unable to raise enough money to establish a garden where the children can grow flowers and vegetables.

Answer the following questions to demonstrate how you would use a gardening project to promote children’s agency. Your answers should include how the learning environment is established to reflect children’s interests, stimulates their learning and development and supports their participation, choices and decisions.
Last edited by Lorina on Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 022/026 - Scenario: Alex - Growing A Garden

Post by Lorina » Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:07 am

Your responses are well thought out and I think they answer the questions based on the scenario. Here are some other ideas you can think about:

3a) You can create an indoor garden by using a thermal box and planting seeds that can be grown indoors. The garden "box" can be placed on a table wear there is sunlight or in front of a window. You can also include, clipboards with drawing paper, magnify glasses for children to draw and record their observations as well as books on gardening etc.

i. Ask the local nursery if they have any soil or seeds they can donate to the garden project. Ask families to bring in a small plant from their garden at home which you can replant in your garden. Ask families to bring in mango, avocado seeds which you can also replant.

6. Ask the children questions on their new garden, what they want to include, what should they do next etc.

Hope this helps,


BTW - Sorry for my delayed response as my daughter has been sick with an ear infection this week.

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Re: 022/026 - Scenario: Alex - Growing A Garden

Post by allie2192 » Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:07 pm

Thanks for the help. So grateful to have someone where like this to get help from

Allie :)

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