- intelligent, academically at least 1 year ahead of peers
- understands concepts very well
- seems to play well with kids a year younger than he is
- we think he has some social issues that do no allow him to easily integrate into groups, but he has done well so far at making friends (read further down new issues)
- he gets overexcited around some kids but not others - he will run around, sometimes screaming and no amount of trying to calm him will stop him - this is a common thing
- he kicked me in a social situation yesterday with a girl from his school and later told me he kicked me because he was feeling shy and couldn't think past that moment
- he is a very calm child and mostly has very good self control
- he is scaring his friends with martial arts types moves and they don't want to play with him anymore but no amount of explaining how wrong it is and how it makes others feel seems to stop him doing it
- he is playing with sticks at school and accidentally hurting other kids, but no amount of explaining how wrong it is and how it makes others feel seems to stop him doing it
- it was explained to me last week that he is saying this like i'm going to stab you in the face, neck etc - note that he has no access to youtube, devices or TV shows that air this type of stuff, so I can only guess that it is coming from the playground
- he has a swearing vocab now, doesn't say it at home but goes at school
I feel like the school environment has had a majorly negative impact on him and I'm not sure how to handle his behaviour - does anyone have any tips?
thank you