Will my pay rate increase with ECT qualification?

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Will my pay rate increase with ECT qualification?

Post by Lily4ever713 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:32 am

Hi everyone, I have a bit silly questions. I hope you can help me. I have been working for 6 years in a lovely centre. I have been holding a diploma all the time. I do get paid above award. Around $29 x hour. I’m not room leader, we don’t have here. I wish hahahah. Anyway, I recently got my teacher registrations from overseas qualification. I’m wondering if my pay will increase. Would that depend on my position or qualification or maybe is up to my boss? Our director is an ECT already so they don’t need another one. If my wage will go up would be so good with all this cost of living increasing :( or this means they will have to hire me as an official ECT for my wage to go up?

I was reading in the forum and different websites that as ECT your level starts in 1 but if you have a 4 years degree you go to level 2. Also, that for every 3 years working as diploma you get 1 year of ‘teaching service’ and that gives you another level so would that mean I could start in level 3? But then on the teacher award they only mention the accreditation as provisional for level 1 and proficiency for level 2. So I do understand why a teaching degree of 4 years can start at level 2 as well… that’s what I read. Could someone clarify. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks :inlove:

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Re: Will my pay rate increase with ECT qualification?

Post by Lorina » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:27 pm


Your questions are definitely not silly!

The only way that your pay will increase is yes if you are the ECT of the service. You won't be paid an ECT rate at this stage, since you are not the ECT.

Since you recently got your teacher registration, you may talk to your boss and negotiate your pay. You are already getting above award rate, so since you are a registered ECT now you may be able to get a little bit more. No harm in asking!


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