Who Gets Programming TIme?

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Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lems » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:04 pm

"An employee responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours per week."

Just wanting to check what is meant by the "developmental program". The company I work for says that it's in regards to the weekly program that's done by the room leader, and thus it is only the room leader who gets programming time. It's caused a bit of unrest in my centre as all educators have focus children that they observe and plan experiences for as well as make art portfolios and write reports for. All of the educators used to get programming time, but now they've been told that everything needs to be completed whilst on the floor with the children.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:20 pm

Typically directors and companies will say that the programming time is for room leaders to complete their programming but you're right in saying that all educators need time to plan for their observation children etc. Now the room leader isn't the only one who does the documentation, it's a joint collaboration within the team so ideally all educators should have "programming time". It's completely unfair to say that you will need to complete documentation on the floor with the children. How could you possible engage and supervise children appropriately if you got your head down concentrating on getting everything complete?

We have had many users complain that their centres refuse to give them programming time so I spoke to Fair Work Australia and this is what they had said:

Clause 21.5 of the Children’s Services Award states an employee responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours per week, during which the employee is not required to supervise children or perform other duties directed by the employer, for the purpose of planning, preparing, evaluating and programming activities.

If you have the responsibility for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program and have not received this entitlement, you should first discuss the matter with your employer.

We suggest you forward the information in clause 21.5 to your employer with a formal request for programming time.

By law, it's a requirement for educators to receive programming time as stated in the Children's Services Award. So, you will need to bring this to the attention of director and management to try and get your allocated programming time...

You're not asking for much, you're asking what is required by law...


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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lems » Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:52 pm

Thanks, Lorina. It's a tricky situation as the directive has come from much higher up the chain than our individual centre. Seems they might be reading it the way that suits their own needs. Makes me sad as there seems to be quite a few centres that don't have the children's best interest at heart :(

Also, is there such a thing as Regulatory Support? That's where my company reckons they got their info from about who gets programming time. I wondered whether it was one of their own employees rather than someone involved with the actual Regulations...

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:10 am

You're right, in regards to the programming time, it's true that some management provides programming time to suit their own needs. If you're working in a centre with no extra staff or causals only used sparingly I don't think they would hire staff to cover a couple of hours each day so their educators get programming time each week. However, in saying this, some centres actually do this! Not all...but some...

For regulatory support, I know ACECQA provides a regulatory authority in each state/territory that supports centres in regards to the National Regulations and Law but in actual fact is that the programming time isn't in the National Law and Regulations, it's in the Children's Services Award 2010 and Fair Work Australia deals with this not Regulatory authority... So, I'm not sure where they are getting this information from...

Something to consider...


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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:36 pm


In my centre room educators also get programming time to assist the leads with their room programming.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:36 pm


To me if that’s the case than room
Leaders can do all that kind of work

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:37 pm


If we don't have non-contact time to plan, and we can't do planning while supervising children, then we can't do planning. You might be able to do some if the children are resting, but that's not possible for a lot of people and it's never enough time anyway.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:38 pm


The award says "An employee responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours non-contact time per week." Some EBA's & contracts say "Employees who have the primary responsibility"

So... to me it seems like the award could cover *all* educators who contribute to planning, but many organisations interpret it as only the room leaders.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:38 pm


EBAs and contracts must be equivalent or better than the award, not worse.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 pm


Not necessarily, but also it seems to be an issue of interpretation. Does "an employee responsible" for planning mean all employees that contribute, or only the ones who are "responsible" for it.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 pm


if an employee is required to do observations and planning aren’t they in effect responsible for this. I would check with FWA or join a union to get help to clarify this.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:40 pm


In answer to your question…….no, not necessarily.

The room should be working as a team for all the children that attend that room.
However….It is the room leaders responsibility to ensure that experiences are suitable for each & every child in the way that supports their learning through play. And to talk to educators about any changes that could be made.

Observations can also done by all educators as each educator sees each child differently.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:40 pm


I don't do any obs if I am not given programing time. Just like, I can't make the play-dough without the Flour. If the company insist, sorry ,I quit. There are good companies out there and do things that make sense.

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Re: Who Gets Programming TIme?

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:41 pm


No. Something's got to give, and that's a big red flag. You can't prioritize both child observation and supervision, while completing paperwork. I would be interested to know how your company would feel about a parent seeing you trying to complete your workload of reports and portfolios while also likely struggling to ensure their child's safety and engagement. This is worth addressing seriously with management.

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