Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

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Brith McLaren
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Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

Post by Brith McLaren » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:33 pm

We have just introduced IPADS into our program in the kindy pre-school room, the children have some time on the IPADS where they use educational games.
when we all are getting better at using the IPADS ourselves we will be introducing other apps on the IPADS for the children such as taking photos and edit photos recording voices making stories and lots more.
We have some parent who can not understand the benefit of using IPADS in the program and we would like to give them some information about the benefit of IPADS in early learning centers, and how it helps with the children's readiness for school.

I have look around on the net and can not really find a good site that gives some great pointers of the benefit other than for school, which some I can use, but would like some specific for early learning.
Are there anyone who have found any great such sites, I would love if you could give me the web address.
Thank You B
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Re: Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

Post by Lorina » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:31 am

I guess with today's technology it benefits children to learn to use these devices as well as educators using them as part of their learning. I've been using my IPad with my 15 month old however started at around 8 months probably. She doesn't get more than an hour a day total but my goodness using the device has really developed her skills. Before she turned one she was able to imitate animal and environment sounds just from a game she was learning. She used to bang on the ipad to select an app. From 12 months old she learnt to use her pointy finger to select apps and to toggle between screens. She can play games by herself by selecting the correct picture to sound, press "next" button, go "back" to main screen, and much more. It amazes me how children can develop their skills just by playing on these devices. With these skills she also uses the touch phone.... When I was pregnant I would say I won't let my baby play on these devices until they are "old enough" but what's "old enough" these days... :giggle:

Anyways I guess I'm trying to say that there is a purpose for using IPADS if they are being used in an educational content which will extend on children's interests and develop their skills and abilities.

I found the following research article which may help:

The Use of iPad Technology in the Kindergarten Classroom

You can probably use some of the information here to create an information sheet for parents or even add excepts into the newsletter...


Brith McLaren
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Re: Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

Post by Brith McLaren » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:32 pm

Thank You L.A. will see if I what I can find from that article. thanx again

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Re: Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:32 am

Me again,

I was just thinking rather than look at articles on the internet to find why Ipads are useful in your kindy program why don't you and the other educators explain why you are using them and how you are using them with the children yourselves. There has to be a reason why you decided to buy and implement them. So, rather than look for information just come up with ideas amongst yourselves that you can inform parents about. This can probably be a question that can be asked during a staff meeting that can be brainstormed by other educators. Write all your ideas down on A3 paper and put it in the foyer for all parents to see... Just thinking as a parent I would be interested in reading that then something from the net that's been searched....

Hope this gives you an alternate idea,


Brith McLaren
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Re: Using Ipads In Our Preschool Room With Children

Post by Brith McLaren » Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:48 pm

Hi L.A.
That is a great idea,

I found this little one:

How does the use of the iPad align with the Australian Curriculum?
The Australian Curriculum states students will be expected to develop ICT competence as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately when investigating, creating and communicating ideas and information at school, at home, at work and in their communities.
Students are expected to understand and apply social and ethical practices when using technology and also have skills in using ICT to maximise efficiency and effectiveness. With the use of the iPad device children will have the opportunity to develop an ICT competence to prepare themselves for their future education.

I wrote about how it helps the children with, numeracy, literacy, creativity and much more.
And that it is still new to us and we are exploring and researching on how we can enhance our activities with the iPads.

It was more to make it clear to some parents that it is not a babysitter or that it takes other activities away.
Think this might help them understand.

There are always some who are a bit stubborn and have to have on black and white to see the benefit...:)

Thanks for you help.

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