Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by LindyT » Sun May 27, 2012 8:34 pm

What a great idea.
I have a spare digital camera too and wanted to use it with the children more.

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by kristyl74 » Sun May 27, 2012 10:48 pm

Thanks LA i will definitely think about your idea about the individual scrapbooks - i might source the childs enthusiasm on it. Alot of the children just want to come in from school and run off some steam and play with friends from other schools, maybe I could just have the scrapbooks there and if some one to take it up they can, if they dont then they dont..

The whole teddy thing I wouldnt do, I was just thinking the camera going home with them but i love your idea about them taking a photo and having a caption, thats gold. Your a whizz x


Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Miss_Annette » Tue May 29, 2012 6:37 pm

I have begun using display folder and i use the letter of the child's name on the front cover and am collaging photos of that child within that letter to personalize the folder. I include their artwork adn the learning story photos and obs from that piece i then try to follow through the book in a learning story type manner to have everything linking so its like "ok they did this because of this and then they extended to this because of this etc" make sense?

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Misse84 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:46 pm

Last year we had a large scrapbook and just put photos and art work in . It looked nice , and would have been a nice memory for the family .

But this year we have a ring binder with plastic sleeves and we put in learning stories , obs , photos that go with etc . I am only putting in art work that relates to the learning story or ob . Or I put in some writing that they did , etc

My director just wants us to put artwork in but now that I read all this I do not want to do that .

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Re: Portfolio Ideas

Post by grandma » Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:22 am

Happy New Year Everyone
Just wondering if any one has changed the way they do portfolios. I am torn between doing the scrapbook which gives me room to add lots of great stories by the child,plenty of the learning journey and photos(not as many this year)and obs.
I would like to change my mindset and condense this to something with still plenty of quality but not so much quantity. all ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Back to work next week and looking forward to a fun year with no stress!!!!
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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Lorina » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:16 pm

Hi Grandma,

Hope you had a great new year!

I think with portfolios a lot of suggestions have been made on whether to use a scrap book or a ring binder/folder. I think now it’s easier and more professional to use a ring binder folder with plastic sleeves and you don’t have to worry about decorating the pages like you normally would in a scrap book (well I remember when using a scrap book I had to add decorations to each page).

I’m actually thinking of coming up with some of my own ideas on creating templates which can be used in a portfolio just like those currently being used in the Online Tools. So, if we are going to introduce this we would probably create a different section in the Online Tools page which can be specifically used for portfolios that lists the Online Tools version of the portfolio templates.

What do you think about this idea? Would these portfolio templates be useful in Online Tools?


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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by catchmeifucan » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:53 pm

L.A wrote:I’m actually thinking of coming up with some of my own ideas on creating templates which can be used in a portfolio just like those currently being used in the Online Tools. So, if we are going to introduce this we would probably create a different section in the Online Tools page which can be specifically used for portfolios that lists the Online Tools version of the portfolio templates.

What do you think about this idea? Would these portfolio templates be useful in Online Tools?

That actually sounds like a great idea! It will be a very useful tool. What do you have in mind?

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by cathiek » Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:03 pm

Agreed - that sounds great L.A. Would it show the links to the particular outcomes? I think this would be helpful to show parents that something wasn't just a fun activity - it had links to communication outcomes, or wellbeing outcomes or whichever. What sort of things were you thinking of having on them??
PS: Resting much???

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:25 am

At the moment I’m thinking of adding:

- Learning Stories templates (which are already available)

- Observations (which are already available)

- Work Sample Templates (linking to the EYLF, briefly describes the work sample etc).

- Photo Templates (here you can add photos, link to the EYLF, add description to the photo etc).

- All About Me (templates describing child’s interests, routines, family, birthday celebrations, special events etc).

Now I’m not too sure of the design on the templates on how exactly I will be creating them but I think if we add a portfolio section to the Online Tools which includes templates that can be filled in and printed then added to a folder then it will be so much easier for portfolios to be completed. The templates are going to be linked with the EYLF as well as Belonging, Being and Becoming.


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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:15 am

PS: Resting much???

:giggle: Trying too but I've been busy on this site... So addictive...lol...

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by grandma » Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:43 am

sounds like a great idea to me especially the photo template. Looking forward to seeing these new ideas. I agree L>A about the ring binders. It certainly cuts down on the work. Last year I decided to keep the portfolios going through 2013. I thought this would work as I have been sending them home for parent input so the parents are getting to see them. I will begin with the ringbinders for my new children. the templates have been a godsend for learning stories and obs to put into the porfolios.
so glad you enjoy doing this.

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by catchmeifucan » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:43 pm

L.A, The templates you are designing for the portfolios sounds spot on. It will also be so much easier to have portfolio templates ready to use out of the box that we can download and use at any time we want.  I'm excited to see what you come up with. Can't wait to use this at my centre once I go back to work! thank you for your on going hard work! Do you ever have a spare time? Lol...

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:25 am

Hey All,

Thanks for the feedback! I guess that the portfolio templates are a go head... No worries I'll begin working on the designs over the next couple of weeks... I'll let you know once I'm ready with the designs!


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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by suzej » Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:32 am

In our babies room we copy all the observations we do and put into the portfolio. It becomes a "see how I have grown" we record their milestones, sit, crawl, stand , walk, birthday, feeding self , holding pencil, etc and some art work which is usually finger/ hand painting and drawings, ( a line or two) this accompanied by a blurb or a photo.
We only have one computer in the entire center , one camera and only black and white to print.
Having worked in the bigger rooms I know how time consuming it can be, but again I would stick to mile stones, with a first day in school drawing of themselves and add one every 3 months. Obvious to see how they are developing. I would include special art work as well. so it too remains the story of the child's progress .
I usually do a colored photo for the first beginning of the year in the room and their birthdays. ( at my expense).

These forums are great by the way

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by catchmeifucan » Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:07 pm

At work atm, we are starting to discuss portfolio ideas. Observations start this month and we are figuring out the best way to compile everything for each child. I am using the obs and learning stories templates available in this site so I can add these into each child's portfolio as well. Like mentioned in previous posts, we are probably going to use ring binder folders for the portfolios...

L.A you mentioned you will create portfolio templates. Have you worked on them yet? when will they be available? It will be so much easier to work with templates at least they won't take up so much of our time.

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Miss T » Sat Apr 20, 2013 6:07 pm

Hi there,

We have about 30 or so kids during the week, we are 4 teachers in the 2-3 room. its usually 3 teachers in a room on a day. 2 staff job share (mon-wed and the other thurs and fri) theres me and another lady that are Diploma trained and we carry the most portfolios- being 12 each... and the other 2 staff have 3 each.

In the portfolio we have- 1 learning story and 1 follow up.
- There is the "my first" handprints, painting, easter craft 2013, mothers day story 2013 etc

There needs to be a delegation of how many portfolios there are etc. so work load isn't drowning you. But in all honestly- its manageable :)


Miss T :angel:

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Lorina » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:15 am

catchmeifucan wrote:L.A you mentioned you will create portfolio templates. Have you worked on them yet? when will they be available? It will be so much easier to work with templates at least they won't take up so much of our time.
I have completed the designs of the portfolio templates. For the first portfolio release, the following templates will be included:

- All About My Child (parent feedback form)
- Art Work Sample
- Family Life (parent feedback form)
- Happy Birthday photo template
- Kids Say the Darndest Things
- My Footprints (poem included)
- My Handprints (poem included)
- Our Weekend (family input)
- Snapshots of Me (boy/girl version)
- Special Moments
- Portfolio Cover Page

Along with the above templates within the portfolios, the Child Observations and Learning Stories (already available in EYLF online tools) can also be added for each individual child.

Now that the design process is over, all of them will be converted into a PDF document which can be printed out and an Online Tools version will also be created for most of the above documents so they are directly editable. So this means you will have both the print version and online tools version for these portfolios templates.

There is a lot happening for us at the moment. We are hoping that the Portfolio templates will be made available over the next month or so. However, we will let you know in due course.

Stay tuned,


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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by cathiek » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:49 am

Can't wait to see the Kid's Say the Darndest Things!! That is something we see so much of - will be great to record these gems for the parents.
Hope all is going well for you LA - I have been off the radar a bit lately, but I hope all is going well with Bub/waiting for Bub?!

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by catchmeifucan » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:08 pm

Love all the types of portfolio templates. I can't wait to see the release! It's excellent that you are creating so many types. This will be super good for portfolio. I will be using them all.

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Re: Portfolios In Childcare - Open Discussion

Post by Kaz » Sun May 05, 2013 7:48 am

cathiek wrote:Can't wait to see the Kid's Say the Darndest Things!! That is something we see so much of - will be great to record these gems for the parents.
ROFL omg I have a good one my child told a caregiver one da, worse was I was working at the centre that day and something I was holding made the story worse :lol: :lol: :lol:

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