Missing Programming Time During The Week

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Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by tahliameg » Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:31 pm


I am after some help/advice on the topic of Programming,
I never receive programming, and we never get say "reimbursed" for missed programming time...
In the past 3 weeks I have had a total of 1hr and 40mins programming time only because float staff are walking around doing washing and I've asked them to cover me.

I am wondering the following -
a) how many hours a week are we required by the government to have allocated to senior educators for programming time and if there is a requirement set by the government or its based on centre policies?
b) does the director have to reimburse missed programming time?
c) other than reflections, how can I record this not receiving programming and is there anyone I should speak to if my director doesn't listen

Thank-you for any feedback/comments

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:20 am

Even though by Law you have to get a minimum of 2 hours of programming time each week, unfortunately there are still educators struggling to get a little bit of time to spend on their documentation throughout the week. It's quite unfair considering how much documentation that needs to be complete and expecting educators to complete it when no time is given.

According to the Children's Services Award:

If you are an employee, responsible for preparing, implementing and/or evaluating a developmental program, by law you get a minimum of 2 hours per week to plan, prepare, evaluate and program activities. These 2 hours count as part of your ordinary hours.

Programming time is part of your 38 hour week and therefore it is paid...

If your Director is not taking this issue seriously, you can try contacting the owner of the centre or head office if you work for a company...


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:26 am

I have just made an enquiry with ACECQA to find out what more educators can do if programming time isn't given throughout the week... I'll let you know once I receive a reply from them...


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by tahliameg » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:13 am

Thank-you very much :D

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:26 pm

ACECQA contacted me saying that I need to contact Fair Work Australia about this issue. I have just completed the enquiry and awaiting their reply...

Will let you know...


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:11 pm

Just wanted to update you on the information I received from Fair Work Australia regarding Programming and Planning time...
Clause 21.5 of the Children’s Services Award states an employee responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours per week, during which the employee is not required to supervise children or perform other duties directed by the employer, for the purpose of planning, preparing, evaluating and programming activities.

If you have the responsibility for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program and have not received this entitlement, you should first discuss the matter with your employer.

We suggest you forward the information in clause 21.5 to your employer with a formal request for programming time.


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Gabrielleepritchard » Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:35 pm

In relation to this clause, is it 2 hours per employee per week?

I started working in a centre very recently, and they only give 2 hours for each room. The programming time is then split between two staff in that room giving us just one hour per staff member per week. I am the RL and EL, and 1 hour per week is just not enough time to write an ob, fu and craft ob for my focus children (23 kids) - this would equate to two and a half minutes per child per week spent programming, and absolutely zero time to actually plan anything within the program.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Gabrielleepritchard » Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:37 pm

To add to the previous comments - I believe missed programming time should be made up (or reimbursed as you stated).

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:10 pm

Yes, programming time is 2 hours per week which I agree is absurd considering the amount of documentation that educators are to complete per child as well as room documentation. It's not possible to complete much in that short amount of time at all and I believe educators in charge of documentation should be given more time per week. It's best to discuss your needs with your Director and see if a compromise can be made...


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by yukitori85 » Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:21 pm

Hi Lorina,

This post help me to understand better on the law for programming time. My director split the 2 hours programming time to 2 days which is fine but she told us that our 15 minutes break time is included in the programming time (only 1 hour) as we can eat and rest while we doing programming. Are this allowed? Because we are also working when we do programming (writing children individual observation) and not resting.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by AMH » Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:56 am

Hi, I assume you're referring to your "tea break" which is actually supposed to be 20 minutes for those working 7+ hours. These breaks are supposed to be uninterrupted meaning she cannot be asking you to work on your break otherwise it's not considered a break:

22.2 Rest pauses

(a) An employee working four hours or more on any engagement will be entitled to a paid rest period of 10 minutes.

(b) Provided that an employee working for seven hours or more will be entitled to two such paid rest periods of 10 minutes each unless the employee agrees to forego one of these rest periods.

(c) All rest periods must be uninterrupted.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:20 am

AHM is right! You are supposed to have an uninterrupted break otherwise it is not a break. You cannot eat and do programming time at the same time. Programming time should be you off the floor concentrating on completing documentation. You will need to talk to the Director about this.


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by yukitori85 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:14 pm

Hi AHM & Lorina,

Thanks both for your replied!! I will have a chat with my Director on this, glad to get advise from you all which is very helpful.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:01 pm

You're welcome! We are all here to support one another so feel free to ask any questions!


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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by clozza2012 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:30 am

My centre is the same we hardly ever get programming I think I may have had 2 hrs over the last 8 weeks. We have a new CM who keeps saying “at my old centre I never got programming and had it while I was on the floor” every time I address this with her. Myself and the other room leaders are struggling to plan activities and program for the weeks as we just don’t get the time. We are then made to feel like we are incompetent as our programming is lacking.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by AMH » Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:30 pm

clozza2012 wrote:
Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:30 am
My centre is the same we hardly ever get programming I think I may have had 2 hrs over the last 8 weeks. We have a new CM who keeps saying “at my old centre I never got programming and had it while I was on the floor” every time I address this with her. Myself and the other room leaders are struggling to plan activities and program for the weeks as we just don’t get the time. We are then made to feel like we are incompetent as our programming is lacking.
I imagine with this programming set-up, her observations and programs weren't great. It's a requirement to give the educators this time. I would email her the information that is above so that it's in writing and you have established a paper trail and from there, if it's isn't implemented, follow your centre's grievance policy to escalate the issue and get Fair Work involved. I had to talk to them often with my last job and they're really helpful.

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Sunny Miller » Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:59 am

Lorina wrote:
Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:11 pm
Just wanted to update you on the information I received from Fair Work Australia regarding Programming and Planning time...
Clause 21.5 of the Children’s Services Award states an employee responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours per week, during which the employee is not required to supervise children or perform other duties directed by the employer, for the purpose of planning, preparing, evaluating and programming activities.

If you have the responsibility for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program and have not received this entitlement, you should first discuss the matter with your employer.

We suggest you forward the information in clause 21.5 to your employer with a formal request for programming time.

Thank you for getting updated!

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Kimd56 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:56 pm

Hi Lovelies
I work in Oshc casual 26 hours a week are we entitled to 2 hours programming time. Speaking to fair work they said we are my Area manager said it doesn’t apply to Oshc I haven’t found anywhere it states that. Feedback would be appreciated

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Re: Missing Programming Time During The Week

Post by Lorina » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:36 pm

Yes! Any educator responsible for the preparation, implementation and/or evaluation of a developmental program for an individual child or group of children will be entitled to a minimum of two hours per week, during which the employee is not required to supervise children or perform other duties directed by the employer, for the purpose of planning, preparing, evaluating and programming activities.


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