How much do we need to show in the room?

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How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by 123gcj » Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:35 am

Hi everyone can someone please tell me how much do we need to be showing e.g. yes i know we have to have the program up, daily routine up. But at my centre i am having to in a week have obs done program done, evaluate and get ready for the next week program e.g. organise craft get it cut out and ready, and do an learning story/daily reflection everyday. What i guess i am asking is do we have to have a full on daily refelction about what we do each day or could i just have say a white board and write up in dot point what we did and add photos to this. Is that enough.???

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Lorina » Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:01 am


Unfortunately you're idea of using a white board to write up the Daily Reflection isn't possible. The daily reflection is a document which needs to be kept which evaluates the learning experiences that took place throughout the day and then used to gather information for the program. If you are writing the daily reflection on the white board anyway then just write it on paper anyway.

In regards to what you need up in the room, well typically the program, daily diary, daily information sheet that's basically all you need however it will be nice to add photos of the children, posters, children's art n craft and learning stories.

If you are wanting to make the daily reflection quicker I guess another alternative is to take photos of the children throughout the day, print them out and underneath you could probably use your idea of jotting down points under each photo of what learning experience took place. If you wanted to do it this way, I think you will need more detailed information rather than "Tom and Lucy drawing at the drawing table". You will have to link the photo of the experience to the learning outcomes and write a brief description of what the children said what happened etc..

With regards to the art n craft i wouldn't stress too much over it... In my room I don't do art and craft everyday... I do it on alternative days each week and on the other days I will include experiments, group games, tactile experiences instead. I do this because when doing art n craft it usually takes up to an hour and a half to complete it and there is only so many paintings a child can do... However, I do provide a drawing table with a variety of materials each day...

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Fri May 25, 2012 10:33 pm

Just a little bit to add about the daily reflective journal. We have to take photos of all the activities that are listed on our play based program, a few of these get printed and pasted into an A3 journal. We have to write a mini story about what the children are doing and how the activity originated (as all activities are spontaneous). These activities then need to be linked the EYLF and NQS.

I also dont do arts every day, it's absolutely impossible to provide that for the children every day. Instead we have an arts cupboard where my children have access to pencils, crayons, chalk etc and paper (my kids are 18mnths - 30 mnths).

Another thing that my centre is doing well anyways in my room lol we have done some posters of all the main NQS areas. There is photo evidence of the children showing that we are meeting these areas. Great tool for Accreditation. If I get the chance I will try to take some photos of what is going on in my room :)


Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Miss_Annette » Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:53 pm

id love to see the NQS areas (poster) :)

Do cleaning check lists have to be on display for parents?

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:58 pm

OMG....I totally forgot to take pics..will do next week. I display my cleaning charts for the bathroom but they are not necessary for the parents to see. My daily / weekly / toys / open / close checklists are not on display for parents. As far as Im concerned they only need to see what is regarding their child ie sleep / meal / nappy charts. Each child from 6 wks - 30 months has a communication book that is filled in every day telling them exactly what they ate, how long they slept, if they had a bottle and a small spiel on what the did for the day. Parents love these books, yes they are a pain especially when you have to do 16 but they are worth it.


Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Miss_Annette » Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:30 am

i used to do communication books in the nursery but when i moved to the toddler room we put it out to our parents if they still wanted them adn alot said they didnt have time to read and they'd rather read a wall so i made sleep & meal charts for the week that get displayed. alot easier let me tell you! lol

What toy checklist do you have?
we have the daily, weekly, monthly & bathroom?

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:17 pm

I have done up a list of all the toys that we frequently use in the room. I could send you a copy next week if you like?


Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Miss_Annette » Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:23 pm

Yeah that would be awesome if u culd plz

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Lorina » Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:50 pm

Just wanting to add about cleaning checklists etc. Recently went to a hygiene/food preparation workshop and basically the cleaning checklists etc that we are filling out each day is part of the NQS requirement. Not so much for parents but mainly for us to maintain control in the spread of germs and infectious diseases , etc. Also, if you have an outbreak at your centre for e.g. "gastro," health services may ask for sufficient evidence to make sure that your centre wasn't the cause of it which are all the cleaning checklists, for bathrooms, toys etc. At my centre we have the following checklists which need to be filled out each day/week etc...

- Daily room cleaning checklist (filled out each day, 1 per each room)
- Hourly toileting cleaning checklist (in each bathroom, filled each hour each day)
- Toy cleaning checklist (filled out weekly or when disinfecting toys. Every friday is our cleaning day where we disinfect all toys used in the room for the week, clean tables, chairs and shelves etc).
- Open checklists (filled out before opening the centre).
- Close checklists (filled out when closing centre).
- Kitchen checklists (recording food temp when it arrives, food temp when serving, fridge temp, frezzer temp - these are filled out every day).

I think that's everything! In the end its a hell of alot of paperwork that we all required to do but I guess it's because of the regulations and to stop the contamination of diseases etc..

BTW - I really like the idea of the NQS posters... would love to see a sample. I'm currently working on designing classroom displays based of the EYLF that you can add into your rooms...

:geek: L.A

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by lee » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:25 am

In my room i do a journal for each child in sort of an observation style as well as my learning stories. We have a day book , a photo wall with a little description,a learning story wall and a project wall. We set up these walls in a way that catches the parents attention and have a piece of paper with a spot for parent input in all these areas. Because of the way it is displayed the parents get really involved in their childs learning. After each project we make a half size poster of what we learned,laminate it and make a book out of it so all the babies and parents can look back on what we have learnt throughout the year. And we try and link it all to the NQS. It also makes it alot of fun along the way and allows us to get excited about how we are going to display our next lot of learning.


Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Miss_Annette » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:37 am

i'd really love to see photos if thats at all possible?

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:15 pm

L.A wrote:Just wanting to add about cleaning checklists etc. Recently went to a hygiene/food preparation workshop and basically the cleaning checklists etc that we are filling out each day is part of the NQS requirement. Not so much for parents but mainly for us to maintain control in the spread of germs and infectious diseases , etc. Also, if you have an outbreak at your centre for e.g. "gastro," health services may ask for sufficient evidence to make sure that your centre wasn't the cause of it which are all the cleaning checklists, for bathrooms, toys etc. At my centre we have the following checklists which need to be filled out each day/week etc...

- Daily room cleaning checklist (filled out each day, 1 per each room)
- Hourly toileting cleaning checklist (in each bathroom, filled each hour each day)
- Toy cleaning checklist (filled out weekly or when disinfecting toys. Every friday is our cleaning day where we disinfect all toys used in the room for the week, clean tables, chairs and shelves etc).
- Open checklists (filled out before opening the centre).
- Close checklists (filled out when closing centre).
- Kitchen checklists (recording food temp when it arrives, food temp when serving, fridge temp, frezzer temp - these are filled out every day).

I think that's everything! In the end its a hell of alot of paperwork that we all required to do but I guess it's because of the regulations and to stop the contamination of diseases etc..

BTW - I really like the idea of the NQS posters... would love to see a sample. I'm currently working on designing classroom displays based of the EYLF that you can add into your rooms...

:geek: L.A
Just a quick add to the paperwork, we also have a record that is filled out each child is absent because they are sick, just helps us keep track of what is going on in the room and we can also pick if there is a major outbreak of something.

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:31 pm

So I had a chat to my director and unfortunately I can't upload any pics of our programming and checklists as they are bound to our company but I can show you the NQS displays and general stuff just gotta figure out how to upload these pics lol

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:16 pm




I personally love this wall, all the info comes from sheets we send home :inlove:

The children's artwork

Our daily journal before we linked it to EYLF and NQS

Another example

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:19 pm

I've also started doing photoboards of our routines

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by tiny_tots » Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:24 pm

Hi all

So I havent been on here for ages as I had our son 6 weeks ago but as I can see not much has really happened with this thread!! Im not sure how to move these display pics over to the gallery...dont have the originals anymore

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Lorina » Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:40 pm

Hi Tiny Tots,

Nice to have you back! Congratulations on the birth of your baby Boy! How exciting!! Is this your first one? I am currently 6 months pregnant and waiting for my first little one to arrive at the end of April.

Thank you for looking into adding these pictures into our Gallery. If you dont have the original photos, this is probably the best way to do this:

1) Go to the above topic and download and save those pictures in your computer. To save them, click on the image to zoom in, then right click on the image and choose "Save Image As" option. You can then choose a location in your computer to save these photos.

2) Once they are saved in your computer, go to Gallery and upload your photo.

Its quite easy to upload the photos into our gallery and you will find it easier since you are already used to our forum. If you do need instructions on how to do this, here is the link with more info:

How to Upload Photos in Gallery

Thank you so much for doing this. Also I would love to see your baby boy's photo if you dont mind. You can create a personal gallery and you can upload your baby pics there. Let me know if you need more help.

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by catchmeifucan » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:04 pm

thanks for sharing tiny_tots.

I will add the link here for those who wanna check it out in gallery: ... album_id=2

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Re: How much do we need to show in the room?

Post by Lorina » Tue May 06, 2014 3:15 am

Just wanted to add that it's a good idea to show individual child portfolios within the room. If using a folder/binder etc. they can be put onto to a small shelf, have a separate book case near sign in/sign out area or even decorate milk crates or a big box to add portfolios in (with a sign) next to a chair so parents can sit comfortably and view. Children should also have the option to view their portfolio whenever they want to as well.


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