Adding Theories into Observations

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Adding Theories into Observations

Post by SakuraChelle » Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:09 am

Recently we've had some staff changeovers including a new ECT and educational leader. The educator is new to the centre last year, and was promoted to EL this year with the departure of the last one. As I'm only the 3-5 years floater I personally haven't had the opportunity to really look at the full planning cycle that the EL expects the rooms to follow. However part of what I've been shown and told includes the need to include specific theories from relevant theorists within the observation.

Recently she said to me that she'd like me to help out the two rooms, particularly preschool, with observations. I'm fine with that, it at least means I get to do something other than cover lunch breaks. However this idea of including theories makes me hesitant. I've done both my cert 3 and diploma but only remember covering a handful of theories. The main ones which stick in my mind are play stages ones. Not theories which would necessarily link back with any observations which I may do. For me it feels a bit unfair to ask cert 3 and diploma educators (including one who is technically untrained as she's studying her diploma) to be using their programming time researching theorists and theories to complete their observations. I also don't feel like the parents would care about that - especially our parents who would be happy with just happy pictures of their children, not any of the learning stories, ect. (we've actually had a parent say she doesn't need the words, just wants pictures :wtf: ). But I'm also not happy at the centre at all, so I'm not sure if I'm just at a point where I don't like anything anymore.

I was just wondering, as this is the only centre I've worked at, is this common practice? Or are my concerns for my coworkers and the myself when I write up observations, justified?

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Re: Adding Theories into Observations

Post by sarahmdey » Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:17 pm

Hey totally new, still ,learning and suppose mixed emotions on the whole ordeal, I say that as it’s taken me a lengthy time to be where I am and I still haven’t completed my diploma. However I have been in a few centres and I haven’t experienced that with theories but now you said it …. I know it’s out there .. Gets me thinking.. I hope that helps a little , maybe it is worth seeing if something suits you better … happier ? even

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Re: Adding Theories into Observations

Post by Lorina » Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:54 pm

I have found that as long as services are adding the links to the Outcomes they tend to overlook linking to theories. It's already hard enough to complete observations during the day let alone adding theories - especially for Educators that are unsure about the different theorists.

This will help give you an understanding though:

Child Theorists

It gives a brief description of each theorist and how you can practically incorporate it. You can match it up with your observation and begin to link theorists.

Hope this helps!


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