Programming interview questions

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Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:58 pm

I may have an interview with an ABC Childcare soon and just wondering about the interview regarding the programming

In my previous job we had our own templates for programming etc and I am just not sure how it works in other centres since I always work in a Montessori, its a little bit different

Not worried about the rest of the interview as I love having interviews :lol: & always get through them really well

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by Lorina » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:22 pm

Hi Fefe,

Welcome back to Oz...I use to work at an ABC Childcare here in Sydney (unfortunately it was one of the centers that shut down). I really enjoyed working there and personally it’s a good chain to work for. Regarding your question about the programming, it’s most likely that ABC will have their own set format they use for programming and planning so I don’t think you have to worry too much about it. Most chain centers have the same documentation used throughout all their centers… The only advice I can give you is to read up on the Early Years Learning Framework because you may be asked questions about it…

Also I would just like to recommend an article I wrote called “Understanding the Early Years Learning Framework”. This will provide you with a simple explanation of the EYLF and explain the main concepts that are referred to throughout the framework. This article can be found in Resources, under Childcare Professionals or simply click on the link to read… ... mework.php

I wish you the best of luck and let me know how it goes!

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:53 pm

Thanks so much for that, I will def read up on that.
Am still waiting to hear about an interview, not sure how it works as the recruiter says she was going to fwd my resume on to the centre Director, she did ask if I had a preference of time or day for an interview which made me think i def would be called
however I did not get the call from the centre on Fri so hoping will get a call in the next few days, will be V.dissapointed if do not get an interview, esp as since moving from Brisbane - Cenral QLD i havent been working and i really need to work

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by dulciean » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:41 pm

Best luck fefe! i hope it all works out-am sure you would be an asset to any centre! ABC is not-for-profit these days, so a much better set up. let us know how it pans out. : )

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:58 pm

i will do

once again thanks for the help

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by Lorina » Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:26 pm

Hi Fefe & Dulciean,

I have split the conversation you both had here regarding the Montessori qualification and I have created it as a new topic under the "Career In Childcare" forum. It's a good topic and I think alot of people have questions regarding Montessori learning. Also having it as a separate discussion is better since it doesn't go off topic here. Here's the link:

What is Montessori? What are your thoughts and experiences?

It's great we have FeFe in our forum since she has had experience with Montessori education :D !

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by hotpies2006 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:42 am

hi Fefe i currently work at a A.B.C centre and i agree read up on the EYLF, as for the programming side of things they do not have their own set format, i use the ones on this site in the resource section. all group leaders have their own way of doing things as long as if refers to the EYLF, good luck with the interview

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:06 am

I had the interview last week and honestly I was a bit insulted with the calibre of the form I had to fill out & how the interview was conducted.
They obviously have a "standard" interview form applicants fill out but the questions on it were just insulting to the nth degree, I don't know maybe I found it incredible that they would make someone fill out something like this when they have the qualifications that clearly show they have more than 1/2 a brain cell.
One question read

You are at a stall at a fete. You are selling large cakes for $2.00 & bags of lollies for 50c each. A lady buys 1 cake & 3 bags of lollies. She hands you $10.00. How much change do you give her?


another question was
you start work at 8am and finish at 4pm. you have 10 mins break at 10am and 1hour for lunch at 12:30 fill in the time sheet below (below was a grid with time-in time-out for the day, break & lunch)

again !!!!

I understand a young person or someone unqualified filling out such a form but I am sorry I found it just an insult to my intellegence to sit & answer 3 pages worth of such questions

Then they asked me some questions (was 2 ladies interviewing me) while one filled out the form with what my answers were...usual how would u handle an upset parent, difficult child etc etc type
1. she could not keep up with what i was saying and the other lady kept saying to her "oh just scribble the end bit out ....leave it at that, its ok"
errr no its NOT ok, that was my answer I think you should put it ALL in there
anyway by this stage i wasnt bothered anyway so just shut up and didnt comment

then they said they needed copies of my quals, blue card etc... go to the courthouse & u can get them attested there and come back and give them to us. I just said you should have informed me before this interview of what I needed to bring, I do not live here, I have travelled one hour to get here & i am not familiar with the town and now i have to run and go get things attested.
all i got was "oh yeah we should have told you anyway"

needless to say even if they had a position i doubt i would have taken it if they offered it to me

sad, compared to the calibre & professionalism of some previous interviews I have had this was shocking & abysmal

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by hotpies2006 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:58 am

yes i totally agree with you the interview i had was the same, unreal as i also did lots of running around after it to get papers jp, but it was worth it as i have been here at a a.b.c for just over a year now and very happy with who i work for but a.b.c are very different to other centres i have worked for, but in saying that i dont think i would have been if it was running the old way as what i was told how it was back then, but yeh the interview nearly turned me of,

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:10 am

They don't have any full time work anyway & I wasn't keen on traveling 85km each way on country roads each day either to be honest
I have an interview tomorrow at another neighbouring town (middlemount) for an assistants position. Though I'm perhaps too qualified for it I don't care. At the mo there are no other jobs available & it wud b nice to wrk as an assistant rather than GL. Let someone else do all the planning and paperwork :)
Anyway it's only till (hopefully) end of the year until the child are is built here in town. Then if all goes ok I will try get the directors position. Also starting my degree in Nov YAY so excited

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by Lorina » Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:40 pm

Hey Fefe,

:wtf: I seriously am stunned with how your interview went.... I really am surprised that they asked you questions like that...although you know what, over my time working in this industry there are many clueless idiotic people who can't use their common sense so maybe those questions were directed more towards those people??

You are at a stall at a fete. You are selling large cakes for $2.00 & bags of lollies for 50c each. A lady buys 1 cake & 3 bags of lollies. She hands you $10.00. How much change do you give her?

:giggle: That's one of the funniest questions... I use to get questions like this in my Math class....

1. she could not keep up with what i was saying and the other lady kept saying to her "oh just scribble the end bit out ....leave it at that, its ok"

You know what, when they are interviewing you they might as well just use one of those tape recorders and then after your interview reply it and write it all down...

It seems like these people are trying to stuff you around a bit, they should of told you what you needed to bring and they don't seem to be professional at all... not worth it that's for sure!! :o

it wud b nice to wrk as an assistant rather than GL

As a group leader on my bad days at work I always say that to myself but you know what I wouldn't give it up to be an assistant and in the end an assistant doesn't get as much pay as a GL does... Although like you said i think you may been over qualified!!

Then if all goes ok I will try get the directors position

If you don't like paperwork you are going to hate being a director with the amount of administrative duties you will have to complete and all the paperwork you have to do!!!

BTW - Did you notice all the new smilies that have been added :thumbup: ! So cute...

Alright, my lunch breaks almost over,

How did your other interview go?

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Programming interview questions

Post by fchaudari76 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:24 pm

I have no issues with paperwork. Some GLs get their assistants to do it all. I never did because it was my responsibility & I like things done properly
My comment about paperwork wasnt about myself
I know I'm over qualified for an assistants job by far but I live in a remote area, jobs are scarce so this is just a way for me to get my foot in the door

Anyway I had an interview today at a C & K centre. The Director was great & really impressed with me & my experience etc. She wants me as a GL as she said I didn't deserve to be an assistant but if she couldn't convince head office to let her hire 2 ppl, me as a GL & another person as an assistant then she would take me on as an assistant

This is only temp as I mentioned my aim is to be the Director at the new childcare here in town

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